Just because I’m winning... doesn’t mean you have to lose.
It also doesn’t mean I want you to lose.
I may seem disinterested in you, when the truth is I'm focused on winning and am determined to keep focused rather than be distracted by what you're doing.
And when I win it doesn’t mean I took a win from you. Just as your wins aren't taken from me either.
See, I can be successful and you can, too.
How I define winning doesn't have to be how you define it.
~ We can value different things, prioritize differently. So for example, I like fly first class and enjoy making my business successful financially. Others may choose to buy coach tickets to spend more on remodeling their house. My preference for first class doesn't mean I have negative opinions about the people who are in coach.
~ Comparisons, such as our definitions of what success is, are usually not accurate and definitely not helpful.
All it means is that we've defined success differently.
I've learned that real winners don’t hate on "losers"...they respect those who work hard. They understand that just as it is in all lives, sometimes things don't work out so a loss is a temporary defeat and a lesson gained.
Real winners and leaders understand and respect where every person is on their journey.
When you want others to fail, you will always lose.
When I was younger, I didn't get this... I tended to simultaneously wish I would win and someone else would lose... "ensuring" my win. Over time I've learned you can't really be successful until you put ALL of your energy and attention into "winning".
When you're secretly hoping others fail, you're sealing the deal for your own loss...because the mind goes where energy flows.
I want you to win, to be successful as you define it, and I’m cheering you on. It's a daily process towards success, and there's plenty of room on the podium :-) See you there!
ACTION: The Upside Challenge for the week is to get very clear on what your definition of success is.
Practice focusing ONLY on the things associated and aligned with that success.
If you notice your attention and actions drifting to comparisons and others, re-focus.
Keep a daily log. Celebrate at the end of each week.