More people fail because of LACK of PURPOSE, not LACK of TALENT.
Yep. You heard me right.
~ Talented people.
~ Smart people.
~ Educated people.
People who’ve got a lot going on for them often spin their wheels.
For years, I couldn't figure out why I felt miserable despite all of the wins I was stacking up.
The adrenaline high from accomplishing something I set out to do wasn't enough to satisfy, let alone fill me.
Looking back, I was all over the place.
And I secretly hated my life.
See, having a CLEAR PURPOSE and MISSION gives you DIRECTION.
It allows you to clarify WHY what you’re doing is a contribution to others.
And when you get who you are, what you want, and why it matters... you take ACTION infused with the personal understanding of your value.
Without it, you can feel a bit EMPTY regardless of how much you accomplish or win.
When you’re tuned into this clarity of why and your value, you begin moving towards your end in mind.... you step even more fully into using all of your gifts, abilities, talents, and experiences.
You begin fine-tuning and dialing in all you’ve got so it’s laser focused.
Similar to the concept that like attracts like, such as water molecules or people with similar values, the energy moving through you seeks expansion...tapping into more energy, and so you gain momentum.
And you expand as you continue to move forward. Growing your capacity.
Your gifts and talents are yours, and when you use them solely for your gain…
with little regard for what, how, and why you affect others, over time you will experience a sense of hollowness in your days.
With a clear purpose, you will achieve HEALTH, HAPPINESS, SUCCESS, and MEANING … and achieve the pinnacle of what you want on your life’s journey.
This is what differentiates the top 1% of leaders – those who are worth following – from all the rest.
Is this you?
ACTION: The Upside Challenge for the week is to uplevel yourself by consciously growing your capacity.
Increase your energy by connecting to your purpose.