Our vision for you is that your leadership will effect change on the planet
Our mission is to transform lives through leadership ... so you are a forge for good on the planet. This requires us to give you tools, resources, and training so you can be the most optimal version of who you're called to be ... a leader that's worth following.
Upside Thinking™ offers one of the best leadership coaching programs in the world. We work with clients to take the journey of the beingness of leadership to create lives they didn’t believe were possible.
Our company values are
Connection, Accountability,
Excellence, Responsibility
and we model what it looks like to be
leaders worth following.
We believe every single person on the planet has a divine purpose – a mission and calling that is theirs to live out.
Our team of professionals is dedicated to unlocking your potential through the art and science of leadership.
Our mission is to
walk step-by-step on this path as you overcome any obstacles and challenges so you fulfill
your divine purpose.
Upside Thinking™ offers one of the best leadership coaching programs in the world. We work with clients to take the journey of the beingness of leadership to create lives they didn’t believe were possible.
Our company values are Excellence, Accountability and Responsibility and we model what it looks like to be leaders worth following.
We believe every single person on the planet has a divine purpose – a mission and calling that is theirs to live out.
You’ve been given gifts, abilities, talents, and experiences to overcome any circumstance you may be facing.
If you understand you are meant to be more, do more, and experience more so you can do what you’re called to do on the planet, we will walk beside you on the path step-by-step.
Our proven transformational coaching programs, workshops, retreats, and events allow purpose-driven leaders make a bigger difference on the planet.
We will guide you through our 3-step process, how to implement my 7 Pillars of Leadership, and develop your 7 Zones of Well-Being, so that you can create more health, happiness, success and meaning than you ever thought was possible to have in this lifetime.
The Upside Thinking way will allow you to stay focused and on track regardless of what challenges come your way.
And every step of the journey, you will be surrounded by a group of courageous leaders who are just as committed to
leadership, growth, and making a difference
on the planet.
Our mission is to transform lives through leadership.
Our internal mission is to honor God, grow profitably, and lead with excellence in all we do.
And we recognize this just may your mission, too.
Because your divine purpose was given to you for a reason.
The world needs you and your brilliance.
Our mission is to transform lives through leadership.
We believe that you deserve health, happiness, success and meaning.
That your divine purpose was given to you for a reason.
And when you live out this sacred purpose by being a leader worth following everyone wins.
You win, the people you’re called to serve win, and the world wins.
This is how you make the biggest impact on the planet.
The world needs you and your brilliance…
Now more than ever.
There has never been a more important time in history to step into your calling.
And, we’re here to walk beside you every step of the way.
Having the COURAGE to step into LEADERSHIP so I could make an IMPACT on the planet saved my life.
When I was working as a Federal Law Enforcement Officer on the Piers of NY, I wasn’t someone the guys wanted to be around.
They really didn’t want to work with me – and I certainly wasn’t a leader worth following.
Despite being an A student at the Academy, willing to do the dirty work and being a damn good shot, all they could SEE was the Hair and nails.
Or at least that’s what I told myself.
The truth is all they could FEEL was my energy.
So, I invested in a year-long leadership program.
During the program, 25 pairs of eyes on me when the instructor shared I scored a “0” interpersonal skills assessment
This feedback changed my life. I learned that the barriers I built to keep me safe got in the way of having a meaningful and happy life, and kept me from being the leader I dreamed of being.
It took COURAGE to take that course, to absorb and make constructive use of the feedback, and to change careers to stand where I am today.
Leaving law enforcement 20 years ago to step into my divine purpose took a leap of faith.
I used those same
leadership skills
opened doors
in the government to open opportunities with my leadership company.
I’ve spoken to groups around the world – and have worked with start-ups to $800 million-dollar businesses, and here’s what I’ve learned… courage is taking a risk, going for it, and seeing what happens, even when you feel scared.
Anais Nin said,
“Life Shrinks or Expands in Proportion to One’s Courage.”
We all have an S.O.S. moment in life… Maybe several…
AT ALL TIMES in life, you are “entering a storm”, “in the midst of a storm,” or “coming out of a storm”
I understand this as this has been my story.
Courage has been my superpower.
"Lisa Marie leads by example, demonstrating that success and wellness go together. She inspires by her being-ness. I found that her holistic leadership coaching helped me connect to my authentic ambition, and provided the tools to get started. Coaching with Lisa Marie supported my inner transitions as well as the business changes that are visible on the outside."
– Jessica Hartung, Founder, Treelight Productions
– Bianca Jackson, President BrickRock Exchange and Pulitzer Prize Winner
– Bianca Jackson, President BrickRock Exchange, Pulitzer Prize Winner
"Lisa Marie has a way of making deep connections. From this, she has helped me move beyond limiting beliefs, connect with a deeper purpose, and soar to new heights. She's a rockstar at helping people move to the next level!"
– Lance Ekum, Owner and Founder of Experiventure
"Working with Lisa Marie has changed my life. Moving from a place of scarcity to sufficiency in every area of my life with ease and grace."
– Akosia Robinson
"Working with Lisa Marie has changed my life. Moving from a place of scarcity to sufficiency in every area of my life with ease and grace."
– Akosia Robinson, Single Parenting Expert
“After signing up with Lisa Marie to grow my organizational coaching and consulting business - and even working on a $250K corporate proposal together - Lisa Marie supported me as I made the bold and courageous decision to follow my heart and calling to create a nonprofit called Brilliance Inside to transform prison from being strictly a container of violence to a creator of peace. I'm grateful for Lisa Marie's loving community that made this radical change more approachable and successful.”
– Mariette Fourmeaux du Sartel, Founder Brilliance Inside