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I'm Thankful Our Paths Have Crossed...

Lisa Marie Platske • Nov 25, 2022

You are part of what I often refer to as my Upside family, a community of Upside Thinkers destined to change the world through courageous, vulnerable leadership.


Thank you for allowing me to be part of your life -- and for reading my weekly messages.


Our path may have crossed for dozens of reasons, and yet the road we travel together is the same.


This message is different than my regular weekly Upside Thought sentiment as I take a look back at where I've been, reflecting on my life and the paths I've traveled.


If a social scientist would have made bets about my life based on the hardship I faced in my childhood, …


… they would have calculated low odds for what I’ve achieved and the success I’ve experienced.


I've asked myself in quiet examination, "How has all that I have accomplished been possible?"


The answer is simple.


While I have taken action, I’ve also been blessed by the GENEROSITY of others… 


… generosity in the wisdom they've shared,


… generosity because of the courageous actions they’ve taken, 


… generosity in the forgiveness they’ve extended when I've failed or made mistakes,


… generosity of their time when they didn’t really have much available,


… generosity in their trust in me and who I am, and


… generosity of their love and kindness -- for no reason at all.


YOU that have led me to where I am standing today.


Take the time to examine the relationships in your life and the impact they have had on you.


Today is the perfect day to express how you feel with a brief phone call, text or note.


As for me, I am sharing what’s on my heart with you -- and have time set aside for additional quiet reflection.


Nothing happens by chance.


You are someone that has been placed in my life for a reason.


And, I am grateful for the gift of you.


May all you have given be returned to you 100-fold.

By Lisa Marie Platske 24 Jun, 2024
I told someone today that I'm More of me today than I was yesterday ... because every day, I am growing and becoming a better version of myself. ~ It means I've got more courage to try new things and step outside my comfort zone. I'm less afraid of the unknown and more open to possibilities. ~ It means I've got more compassion - for myself and for others. I'm kinder to myself when I stumble and quicker to extend grace to those around me. ~ It means I've cultivated more patience to truly understand different perspectives. I'm less quick to judge and more willing to see the world through the eyes of others. ~ It means I've got more passion for what I do - that passion that drives me forward has been greater. With experience comes wisdom, and I've got more wisdom from the times I've failed or gotten things wrong. Those tough lessons have shaped me into who I am today. ~ It means I've got more resilience to overcome the hurdles that life inevitably throws my way. I don't get knocked down as easily. I've nurtured more emotional well-being to navigate the twists, turns, and things that go sideways, as they often do. I'm better able to roll with the punches. ~ And it means I've gained more humility to ask for help when I need it, instead of stubbornly trying to go it alone. Above all, I've found more love - for myself and for those in my life. I accept myself more fully, flaws and all. And I appreciate my loved ones more deeply every single day. Yet none of this would have come without me spending time in quiet contemplation, and investing in my own personal development. Attending retreats Investing in coaching programs Traveling to connect with coaches Participating in group mastermind experiences So I have to ask - how about you? Where in your life do you have More of you today than you did yesterday? Celebrate those traits, characteristics, and qualities that make you more "you." And where do you need to invest more time, energy and money into growing More of you? ACTION: The Upside Challenge for this week is to unplug to recharge by taking a break from technology for certain periods this week. Use that breathing room to go for a walk, meditate, journal, or just be present and reflect on how you've grown, even if it's in small ways. Do you have more patience? More courage? More self-love? Embrace growth as the journey of as you choose to become More of you everyday.
By Lisa Marie Platske 20 Jun, 2024
As another week draws to a close, I always look forward to my Friday ritual of sitting outside and reviewing how I showed up across the different dimensions of my life. It's a chance to pause, take a step back, and reflect on how I've made progress or fallen short over the past seven days. I examine my week through these lenses: Physically - Did I take care of my body through exercise, nutrition, and rest? How can I nurture myself better next week? Emotionally - How was my emotional landscape this week? What brought me joy or triggered difficult feelings that need to be processed? Intellectually - Did I continue learning and growing my mind? What new insights or ideas expanded my perspectives? Spiritually - How did I nourish my soul and sense of purpose? Did I live in alignment with my core values and beliefs? Financially - How did I steward my resources this week in terms of earning, saving, and spending? Am I on track with my financial goals? Relationally - Did I nurture my key relationships through quality time and meaningful connections? Where can I be a better friend, partner, family member? Creatively - How did I flex my creative muscles through projects, hobbies, or self-expression? Did I make space for play and creative renewal? While this weekly review prompts me to look at specific areas for growth, it's not about striving for some impossible standard of perfection. Many cultures celebrates unhealthy obsessions like getting the least amount of sleep, not asking for help, working long hours, or denying our human imperfections. That's not what my journey is about at all. I'm focused on the sustainable path of being 1% better every single day across these important dimensions of life. Some weeks I'll made great strides, and other weeks I may regress in certain areas—and that's part of my lessons learned. The key is having the humble self-awareness to acknowledge where I'm struggling without judgment. Where I'm winning is cultivating the wisdom to not need the path to my vision of success and fulfilled potential to be perfect. Imperfect action that keeps me headed in the right direction is far better than no action at all. That doesn't mean, I make excuses for poor performance. I own my missteps fully, accepting responsibility and the natural consequences that come with them. Then I reconnect with my coaches, advisors, and mentors to get realigned and map out a better strategy for the coming week. So as you wrap up your own week, I hope you can celebrate your wins while compassionately resolving to level up in any areas that fell short. The world truly needs you and your brilliance. ACTION: The Upside Challenge for this week is to start making a weekly review and take time to pause and review how you showed up across the different dimensions: Physically - Did you nurture your body? Where can you do better? Emotionally - How was your emotional landscape? What needs processing? Intellectually - Did you continue learning and expanding perspectives? Spiritually - Did you live aligned with purpose/values? How can you nourish your soul more? Financially - How did you steward resources? Are you on track with goals? Relationally - Did you invest in key connections? How can you nurture relationships better? Creatively - Did you make space for creative expression and renewal? Approach this review with self-compassion, not judgment. Celebrate wins, own missteps, then plan adjustments for an even better upcoming week.
By Lisa Marie Platske 17 Jun, 2024
My time and energy are my most priceless commodities . They are finite, sacred, and deserving of deep respect. I no longer give them away lightly, valuing every exchange and every interaction. And you should do - as research shows the best leaders measure their moments. In the past, I was quick to say 'Yes' without considering the consequences of every 'yes'. I operated under the illusion that my time and energy were boundless. Every 'yes' is a 'no' to something else. And every 'no' is a 'yes' to something more aligned with my true purpose. With this understanding, I have become extremely discerning about who gets access to me, when, and how. This is not about exclusion rather about honoring my integrity and staying true to my divine mission. I am crystal clear about what it takes to live in alignment with my values and goals. A few afternoons ago, I took some time with my trusted friend to plan a few new adventures for the second half of 2024 and beyond. These aren't just dates on a calendar; they are intentional experiences that resonate with my deepest values and aspirations. As I embrace this clarity, I urge you to remember that not everyone deserves full access to you. Guard your time and energy, for they are sacred. The world needs your brilliance, and it also needs you to be whole, fulfilled, and connected to what matters most in order for you to make the biggest difference you can make. ACTION: The Upside Challenge for this week is to make an audit of how you are investing these priceless commodities. Track your time closely for 3 days, noting exactly how you spend each hour. Include work, chores, entertainment, etc. Then, ask yourself: Which activities/people energized you? Which drained you? Allocate more time this week towards the energizing activities/people and say "no" to the asks that don't value your time.
By Lisa Marie Platske 13 Jun, 2024
This is the continuation of my story... I had to alter my life when I released 30 pounds several years ago ... and first look at all the places where I made an excuse about my daily choices and habits. I'm doing that again right now as I walk with my clients. Most folks don't want to face the heartache of failure or disappointment so they don't even try. You can't transform your life in a day. That's why the journey is a long one with very small daily steps ... and a massive payout. I'm more interested in focusing on what's the next best step in front of me. The one small win. Because 1,000 small wins equal a BIG win. For example, read 10 pages a day, you will read 30 books a year. And if you walk 10,000 steps a day, you will have walked 70 marathons a year. That's how I built the business assets and connections I've got. Here's the thing ... don't get started like I did ... after having a life-altering accident. Everyone believes they will have more time to handle what is important. Yet, if you're like me, you get what it's like to have an overfull calendar, a messy desk, and more things to do than you could ever get handled in a 24-hour block of time. When you live this way all the time, you will act out, burn out, or get sick. Feeling like you're spread too thin, trying to cram 25 pounds into a 10-pound bucket is a SIGN. It's a sign that your life is out of balance. Read that again. Don't ignore your 'Check Engine' light. It's flashing red for a reason. Understand that life can slow you down any time it wants to ... ~ just ask the person who got the call from the doctor that their cancer is back. ~ Or the visit from the police that their loved one was killed in a drunk driving accident. ~ Or, me ... who had a collision with a retaining wall and a tractor trailer ... and is fortunate to live to tell the story. What's critical is to honestly assess where you're at if you're not living a perfect "10" life. Sometimes telling yourself you CAN'T do something is really true. An honest assessment and a bucket of clarity will get you further than any positive affirmation ever will. Sometimes you can't ... at least not on your own. However, here's where it gets tricky. When making a commitment, most folks will race out of the gate, and jump over the 1st challenge like it's no big deal. And, after a few days, weeks or even months, they become weary - and bam they hit the wall. So they give themselves a pass. Their internal voice says - 'It's been a hard day, a hard week, and a hard life' ... and they 'deserve' a break. That's why you need folks around you to hold you accountable. Who is your Who? This is where "I can't" will get in the way. If you never begin ... or you give up along the way, you fall short of living out your Divine mission and purpose. So, remember, everyone fools themselves sometime in their life. You've got to identify what you really believe about who you are, what you want, and why it matters ... and then seek out who you need in your circle to help you get there. Every great leader gets this. ACTION: The Upside Challenge for this week is to answer the following questions and really be honest with yourself: Is there a lie you've been telling yourself? Are you telling yourself you can do this on your own ... and it's not working? How can you live a more purposeful, honest, and courageous life? Remember, the world needs you and your brilliance. Now more than ever.
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By Lisa Marie Platske 24 Jun, 2024
I told someone today that I'm More of me today than I was yesterday ... because every day, I am growing and becoming a better version of myself. ~ It means I've got more courage to try new things and step outside my comfort zone. I'm less afraid of the unknown and more open to possibilities. ~ It means I've got more compassion - for myself and for others. I'm kinder to myself when I stumble and quicker to extend grace to those around me. ~ It means I've cultivated more patience to truly understand different perspectives. I'm less quick to judge and more willing to see the world through the eyes of others. ~ It means I've got more passion for what I do - that passion that drives me forward has been greater. With experience comes wisdom, and I've got more wisdom from the times I've failed or gotten things wrong. Those tough lessons have shaped me into who I am today. ~ It means I've got more resilience to overcome the hurdles that life inevitably throws my way. I don't get knocked down as easily. I've nurtured more emotional well-being to navigate the twists, turns, and things that go sideways, as they often do. I'm better able to roll with the punches. ~ And it means I've gained more humility to ask for help when I need it, instead of stubbornly trying to go it alone. Above all, I've found more love - for myself and for those in my life. I accept myself more fully, flaws and all. And I appreciate my loved ones more deeply every single day. Yet none of this would have come without me spending time in quiet contemplation, and investing in my own personal development. Attending retreats Investing in coaching programs Traveling to connect with coaches Participating in group mastermind experiences So I have to ask - how about you? Where in your life do you have More of you today than you did yesterday? Celebrate those traits, characteristics, and qualities that make you more "you." And where do you need to invest more time, energy and money into growing More of you? ACTION: The Upside Challenge for this week is to unplug to recharge by taking a break from technology for certain periods this week. Use that breathing room to go for a walk, meditate, journal, or just be present and reflect on how you've grown, even if it's in small ways. Do you have more patience? More courage? More self-love? Embrace growth as the journey of as you choose to become More of you everyday.
By Lisa Marie Platske 20 Jun, 2024
As another week draws to a close, I always look forward to my Friday ritual of sitting outside and reviewing how I showed up across the different dimensions of my life. It's a chance to pause, take a step back, and reflect on how I've made progress or fallen short over the past seven days. I examine my week through these lenses: Physically - Did I take care of my body through exercise, nutrition, and rest? How can I nurture myself better next week? Emotionally - How was my emotional landscape this week? What brought me joy or triggered difficult feelings that need to be processed? Intellectually - Did I continue learning and growing my mind? What new insights or ideas expanded my perspectives? Spiritually - How did I nourish my soul and sense of purpose? Did I live in alignment with my core values and beliefs? Financially - How did I steward my resources this week in terms of earning, saving, and spending? Am I on track with my financial goals? Relationally - Did I nurture my key relationships through quality time and meaningful connections? Where can I be a better friend, partner, family member? Creatively - How did I flex my creative muscles through projects, hobbies, or self-expression? Did I make space for play and creative renewal? While this weekly review prompts me to look at specific areas for growth, it's not about striving for some impossible standard of perfection. Many cultures celebrates unhealthy obsessions like getting the least amount of sleep, not asking for help, working long hours, or denying our human imperfections. That's not what my journey is about at all. I'm focused on the sustainable path of being 1% better every single day across these important dimensions of life. Some weeks I'll made great strides, and other weeks I may regress in certain areas—and that's part of my lessons learned. The key is having the humble self-awareness to acknowledge where I'm struggling without judgment. Where I'm winning is cultivating the wisdom to not need the path to my vision of success and fulfilled potential to be perfect. Imperfect action that keeps me headed in the right direction is far better than no action at all. That doesn't mean, I make excuses for poor performance. I own my missteps fully, accepting responsibility and the natural consequences that come with them. Then I reconnect with my coaches, advisors, and mentors to get realigned and map out a better strategy for the coming week. So as you wrap up your own week, I hope you can celebrate your wins while compassionately resolving to level up in any areas that fell short. The world truly needs you and your brilliance. ACTION: The Upside Challenge for this week is to start making a weekly review and take time to pause and review how you showed up across the different dimensions: Physically - Did you nurture your body? Where can you do better? Emotionally - How was your emotional landscape? What needs processing? Intellectually - Did you continue learning and expanding perspectives? Spiritually - Did you live aligned with purpose/values? How can you nourish your soul more? Financially - How did you steward resources? Are you on track with goals? Relationally - Did you invest in key connections? How can you nurture relationships better? Creatively - Did you make space for creative expression and renewal? Approach this review with self-compassion, not judgment. Celebrate wins, own missteps, then plan adjustments for an even better upcoming week.
By Lisa Marie Platske 17 Jun, 2024
My time and energy are my most priceless commodities . They are finite, sacred, and deserving of deep respect. I no longer give them away lightly, valuing every exchange and every interaction. And you should do - as research shows the best leaders measure their moments. In the past, I was quick to say 'Yes' without considering the consequences of every 'yes'. I operated under the illusion that my time and energy were boundless. Every 'yes' is a 'no' to something else. And every 'no' is a 'yes' to something more aligned with my true purpose. With this understanding, I have become extremely discerning about who gets access to me, when, and how. This is not about exclusion rather about honoring my integrity and staying true to my divine mission. I am crystal clear about what it takes to live in alignment with my values and goals. A few afternoons ago, I took some time with my trusted friend to plan a few new adventures for the second half of 2024 and beyond. These aren't just dates on a calendar; they are intentional experiences that resonate with my deepest values and aspirations. As I embrace this clarity, I urge you to remember that not everyone deserves full access to you. Guard your time and energy, for they are sacred. The world needs your brilliance, and it also needs you to be whole, fulfilled, and connected to what matters most in order for you to make the biggest difference you can make. ACTION: The Upside Challenge for this week is to make an audit of how you are investing these priceless commodities. Track your time closely for 3 days, noting exactly how you spend each hour. Include work, chores, entertainment, etc. Then, ask yourself: Which activities/people energized you? Which drained you? Allocate more time this week towards the energizing activities/people and say "no" to the asks that don't value your time.
By Lisa Marie Platske 13 Jun, 2024
This is the continuation of my story... I had to alter my life when I released 30 pounds several years ago ... and first look at all the places where I made an excuse about my daily choices and habits. I'm doing that again right now as I walk with my clients. Most folks don't want to face the heartache of failure or disappointment so they don't even try. You can't transform your life in a day. That's why the journey is a long one with very small daily steps ... and a massive payout. I'm more interested in focusing on what's the next best step in front of me. The one small win. Because 1,000 small wins equal a BIG win. For example, read 10 pages a day, you will read 30 books a year. And if you walk 10,000 steps a day, you will have walked 70 marathons a year. That's how I built the business assets and connections I've got. Here's the thing ... don't get started like I did ... after having a life-altering accident. Everyone believes they will have more time to handle what is important. Yet, if you're like me, you get what it's like to have an overfull calendar, a messy desk, and more things to do than you could ever get handled in a 24-hour block of time. When you live this way all the time, you will act out, burn out, or get sick. Feeling like you're spread too thin, trying to cram 25 pounds into a 10-pound bucket is a SIGN. It's a sign that your life is out of balance. Read that again. Don't ignore your 'Check Engine' light. It's flashing red for a reason. Understand that life can slow you down any time it wants to ... ~ just ask the person who got the call from the doctor that their cancer is back. ~ Or the visit from the police that their loved one was killed in a drunk driving accident. ~ Or, me ... who had a collision with a retaining wall and a tractor trailer ... and is fortunate to live to tell the story. What's critical is to honestly assess where you're at if you're not living a perfect "10" life. Sometimes telling yourself you CAN'T do something is really true. An honest assessment and a bucket of clarity will get you further than any positive affirmation ever will. Sometimes you can't ... at least not on your own. However, here's where it gets tricky. When making a commitment, most folks will race out of the gate, and jump over the 1st challenge like it's no big deal. And, after a few days, weeks or even months, they become weary - and bam they hit the wall. So they give themselves a pass. Their internal voice says - 'It's been a hard day, a hard week, and a hard life' ... and they 'deserve' a break. That's why you need folks around you to hold you accountable. Who is your Who? This is where "I can't" will get in the way. If you never begin ... or you give up along the way, you fall short of living out your Divine mission and purpose. So, remember, everyone fools themselves sometime in their life. You've got to identify what you really believe about who you are, what you want, and why it matters ... and then seek out who you need in your circle to help you get there. Every great leader gets this. ACTION: The Upside Challenge for this week is to answer the following questions and really be honest with yourself: Is there a lie you've been telling yourself? Are you telling yourself you can do this on your own ... and it's not working? How can you live a more purposeful, honest, and courageous life? Remember, the world needs you and your brilliance. Now more than ever.
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