There are always demands for your time and attention.
Some people unconsciously seek distractions to get them off course.
I understand this as it used to be me.
There was always a reason to put my health and well-being - whether it was:
~ physical
~ emotional
~ intellectual
~ spiritual
~ financial
~ relational, or
~ work creativity...
... off until later.
Until someday…
~ When the circumstances were “better” or more optimal.
~ When I had more time.
~ When I was in a better place.
The problem is that "someday" never came.
~ There was no ideal time or place when I had time to make myself a priority.
~ There was no perfect situation where all the demands of life including family, and work responsibilities got easier.
In fact, as the years went by, it seemed more kept piling on.
How could I invest in myself when there was so much fill-in-the-blank to be done?!?
To do the leadership work required to live a successful, meaningful and happy life takes massive amounts of courage. Because interestingly enough, it's less courageous to just work really hard by keeping yourself busy with the things that are smaller value items in terms of impact.
Where leadership qualities really grow is in doing the stuff that may not show up in your resume. However, this behind-the-scenes work is an investment that will return more than you can measure. When you take this personal trek... it benefits your family, your partner, your loved ones, your friends, your coworkers, and your colleagues.
To be the best for those you love means you understand you've got to grow, evolve, and improve yourself first. You must make incremental improvements in each category of wellness, by investing time and energy. What you put into developing yourself will grow exponentially... Because what happens is that...
Your dedication will increase your wisdom, awareness, and consciousness along the way.
ACTION: The Upside Challenge for the week is to pick one of the seven areas of well-being (listed above).
Focus on improving that area every day and add the action into your daily calendar.
Keep track of your improvement in that area and whether it affects the others...
Don't wait for someday.
Because the world needs you and your brilliance.