As you think about what you’re being called to do in 2017, I encourage to re-visit where you’re being called to design a bigger vision. Tell me: What is your vision?
Over the past 6 months, I’ve been working on my growth edges.
I realize that I had gotten complacent in the vision I’ve had for my business and re-ignited my committed to doing what I invite my clients to do – step up and stand out.
For the past 180 days, I’ve been meeting with my team to change responsibilities, having high-level conversations with business connections, and re-designing my business model with next steps for business growth.
The visionary community that has been created with my “Design Your Destiny” and “Seize Your Spotlight” leadership coaching programs has been centered around my 7 Pillars of Leadership and being able to exert influence without changing who you are.
I rarely speak aloud how amazing the individuals in these groups are because I still have my own struggles with remembering the importance of speaking up and how honoring that can be. (It’s often challenging to get rid of old voices in your head…. and that’s true for me, too…)
When we fail to speak up, we miss out on sharing our gifts and blessings with the world.
So back to my clients —upside-thinking-what-is-your-vision
As they each choose to claim their genius and do great work in the world, they inspire me to wake up and do mine.
I’ve been spending countless hours creating a new curriculum for my annual Design Your Destiny Live™ event in January and we’re almost sold out! (I just checked with Sheri and I believe we have 9 seats left!)
I used to think that I was being called to speak all over the world and teach others.
Now, I realize that while I may speak all over the world, I am called to LEAD others so they can do their great work in the world.
Of course, this is funny to me as I’ve been on a leadership path my entire life.
I just failed to see it.
Now, as I listen to my clients I get goosebumps as to what they’re doing in the world – training law enforcement, building diversity and inclusion programs, speaking on sold-out stages, lobbying, growing outdoor and alternative education programs and so much more.
When we get together for our group coaching calls, every person is in awe of what the others in the group have achieved and accomplished.
And, that fuels our dialogue and ability to mastermind and share resources with each other.
Over the past year, some of them have earned six-figures+ more than the previous year, while others have increased their influence in a way that has earned them the title of “thought leader” in their industry by positioning their expertise. And all have had incredible breakthroughs in many facets of well-being and how they show up in their professional endeavors.
What Is Your Vision
As you think about what you’re being called to do in 2017, I encourage to re-visit where you’re being called to design a bigger vision.
You may not even see it at this moment.
If you think about your knowledge, skills, abilities, talents and genius, I’m sure there is an area where you’ve been operating in your comfort zone.
And, now is your time to shine.
Action Item:
The Upside Challenge of the week is to step out in an area you’ve been holding back and cast a new vision. Where do you know you are being called to do spread your wings?
People follow the person first, then their great plan.
The world needs you and your brilliance