When you aren’t willing to fully examine…
~ what you believe,
~ the size of your comfort zone,
~ and the operational effectiveness of your processes and systems...
… you stay stuck.
There is a hard cost to choosing to stay stuck.
~ Physically
~ Emotionally
~ Intellectually
~ Spiritually
~ Financially
~ Relationally
~ And to the health of your career or business.
Moving forward requires change.
And, change is uncomfortable for most people, especially when it requires letting go of what was.
It's not usually external waves that cause your boat to sink...
... rather it's the SMALL HOLE INSIDE your BOAT that YOU'VE BEEN IGNORING.
A little reflection goes a long way, along with conversations with someone you trust.
~ What have you been ignoring or putting off?
~ What haven't you been willing to look at?
Ignoring or delaying doesn't typically help because that small hole may be getting bigger...
The longer you delay looking at things, the sense of overwhelm grows too-- much like the feeling that the boat is filling up with water.
Pretty soon you may be swimming inside your proverbial boat.
What is the process for getting unstuck?
It starts with a commitment to make a clear-eyed assessment of where you are.
This requires both courage and vulnerability.
The costs to stay stuck are high.
Be willing to see where you might be off course without judgment.
Remember, judgment and discernment are different.
One is constructive, the other is destructive.
Next focus on what you want. What's your desired outcome?
Use your imagination to build the bridge in the gap between where you are and also from the goal ("end").
~ What do you need to do?
~ Who do you need to be?
If you can create it in your mind, you can create it in the world.
While it may look different as you build and take each step... you'll be moving forward...
Find the courage to take the first step.
ACTION: The Upside Challenge for the week is to LOOK at where you are stuck and have been ignoring or delaying.
Examine the situation with a neutral eye from multiple angles.
What is your desired and designed outcome?
CHOOSE the first step ... which might just be reaching out to someone for coaching.
Have the courage to take that ACTION step.
If you need support or resources... reach out.
The world needs you and your brilliance.