When I look at the art of celebration, it’s simply gratitude being put into action. And as I plan out my 2017, I am choosing to step more and more into cultivating the habit of celebration.
Yes, I know it was yesterday but I’ve been actively practicing the art of celebration and getting more comfortable with doing so each year.
I celebrate my birthday all month long and Jim and I celebrate Christmas from approximately December 1st to January 6th, around the beginning of Advent to the feast of Epiphany or Three Kings. (While I grew up Roman Catholic, my grandmother was Russian Orthodox and Epiphany was known as “Little Christmas” in our house.)
The word “celebrate” means “to publicly acknowledge someone or something”.
Most people aren’t comfortable with publicly acknowledging who they are or what they stand for.
They just aren’t at ease celebrating themselves and/or their accomplishments.
Over the past week, I’ve been in and out of the hospital visiting my Dad.
I made the decision to put certain projects on hold and focus on being there for my family.
By choosing to put life on pause for a few days, I had plenty of time to reflect on what is most important to me.
I also had the opportunity to celebrate my Dad and his life with him.
Over the past 30+ years, I’ve learned a lot from my Dad’s ability to love people for who they are.
He never has an ill word to say about anyone and will go out of his way to make excuses for someone’s bad behavior.
I’ll be the first to admit that I wish that came naturally to me.
But, I’m a fighter before I’m a lover – when I perceive an injustice or unkindness, I’m ready to take it to the ring.
Not my Dad. He’s capable of overlooking faults and loving people for who they are, even when they’re a hot mess.
Fortunately, I believe in forgiveness and mercy and trust that I am perfect in my imperfection.
As I plan out my 2017, I am choosing to step more and more into cultivating the habit of celebration.
The Art Of Celebration
When I look at the art of celebration, it’s simply gratitude being put into action.
I envision more opportunities to celebrate my husband, my family, and my friends.
Professionally, I see me getting to celebrate my clients and the gifts they bring into the world.
At Design Your Destiny Live™ event, I’ve put measures in place so that every attendee feels valued, appreciated and loved – actively celebrated for what they bring into the room.
Action Item:
The Upside Challenge of the week is to choose to actively cultivate the habit of celebration. Select one thing about who you are and what you do to celebrate each day this week.
Remember, the world needs you and your brilliance.