Jim and I love to entertain.
And, no matter how large or small our homes have been, everyone gathers in the kitchen.
It was this same way growing up.
Whenever my grandparent’s had a Christmas get-together, it was standing room only in the kitchen.
I suppose it’s because kitchens are magical places where people come together to talk and solve the world’s biggest problems.
Inspiring leaders cultivate this in their boardrooms and offices.
Rooms filled with magic — light, love, and laughter – even when people are loud and passionate about what they’re speaking about.
I disagree.
I’ve witnessed it firsthand and worked for leaders who understand the value of sharing ideas and inspiring each other – and still being able to professionally confront someone so that you bring out the best for the organization, the team, and yourself.
And, I’ve tried to cultivate that in my own organization with my own team and with my clients.
…..A place where people can disagree, be passionate about an idea and give others permission to step into something bigger than they ever imagined.
It’s transformational.
The world is made for those who stand out, not those who fit in.
With this thinking, you and I just might change the world – one kitchen table conversation at a time.
ACTION ITEM: The Upside Challenge of the week is to think about who you can invite for inspiring and challenging dialogue for a conversation around your kitchen table – real or imagined.
People follow the person first, not their great plan.
Be someone worth following.
Keep riding the Upside. It’s all Upside.
The post Are You Making It Harder than It Has to Be? appeared first on Upside Thinking.