"To be better, you have to have the courage to open your eyes and look.
To be the best, you have to take action on what you now see."
- Lisa Marie Platske
Leadership is a journey that never truly ends.
You walk through your life, doing the usual things.
You work.
You come home.
You go to sleep.
Maybe you work out …
Maybe you spend time with people who love you ...
On this journey, you probably experience one hard thing after another ...
... constant storms that take your breath away ...
~ Sickness - your own or a loved one
~ Divorce or a bad break-up
~ Death of a parent or a child
~ An abusive boss or relationship
~ A painful childhood
~ Bankruptcy
~ Business deals that went sideways
The list goes on and on.
You think, "This isn't the way my life is supposed to go. When am I going to finally catch a break?!?"
It brings up feelings of ...
~ Loneliness
~ Heartache
~ Regret
~ Desperation
~ Being lost
... a feeling of not being good enough for good things
... or sometimes even shame or embarrassment, wondering what you did
wrong, or what you did to deserve this.
Like so many others, you never address the root of your problems because
you're told by the world to:
"... suck it up ...
get it together ...
move on ...
plow forward ...
keep grinding …
because everyone has hard things ..."
You get bombarded with the dangerous message that --
"Winners push through. Losers wallow.
So, you should just shut up - and get back to work.
Because that's what leaders do, they lead."
Yet this message is exactly that - dangerous.
Because it has you keep pushing .. and pushing ... and pushing ...
... collecting one heartache after another, never fully realizing the consequences on your spirit or the toll it is taking on your body.
And, what if they got it wrong ...
... and your attempts to cope with the pain through ...
~ Sex or empty relationships
~ Drugs - prescription or not
~ Alcohol
~ Long hours at the office
~ Working out incessantly
... all trying to fill the ache.
You tell yourself, "I can do hard. Whatever it takes to succeed."
Yet, there's a nagging ache in your heart and soul as you move
through each day - and it keeps getting bigger.
Along the way,
You forget how to have fun.
You forget how to laugh.
You forget how to relax.
You forget how to just be ... you.
One day, you wake up and look around - shocked.
You've got all the right stuff.
The car. The house. The clothes.
People look at you -- and see you as successful.
A Leader.
Yet, you know the truth. The scary truth.
You're standing at a crossroads.
With a great big ache in your being, wondering what to do.
Oh, I get it.
I've had that ache.
And I tried to numb it for years.
What I learned is that ...
... You can do the usual stuff that's not really working - or you can venture
into what I refer to as the Messy Unknown.
No one ever thinks they'll be standing at this crossroads.
And few people will admit it.
I certainly didn't want to.
I remember thinking, "How did I even get here?!? I had everything all planned out..."
You set out to be a certain person in life - and life hits you so hard that you begin making compromises that take you so far off track from who you know you are and doing what you know you are meant to do.
So I hesitated, and questioned if I had the courage to take this journey.
The journey into the Messy Unknown.
Did I have the courage to take the leap of faith that I knew I needed to take to get what I truly wanted?
My biggest fear at the time was what if it didn't work?!?
Yet, I knew I couldn't stay where I was.
Fast forward ...
... and this journey of leadership gave me ease, peace, and freedom ... and a level of health, happiness, success and meaning that is hard to describe.
When you study my life, you'd understand.
Right now, you're doing something in your life to get something that you've been told you should want ... and can't even see what that is. (Read that again.)
We all have unconscious behaviors and drivers.
Over time, they stack up and keep us from having a meaningful and happy life.
Yet, when you're the one driving the bus, it's hard to see how the engine actually works.
You need someone from the outside who recognizes your past successes, sees your shortcomings, and is able to give you a blueprint for a new operating system that will give you ease, joy, and peace.
What if you 100% knew that your ache would be gone if you took this journey?
Want to know where to begin?
It starts with a single step.
Just one.
One decision from getting off the never-ending treadmill.
One decision from getting out of the hustle and grind.
One decision from getting from here to there.
Let's have a call.
Together, we are going to address the ache, the pain, and the prosperous path forward.
You're one decision away.
Don’t look back five years from now wishing you would have taken that leap of faith.
All you have is this precious moment,
So don’t waste it.
One decision, one call, one opportunity to transform your life.
Begin YourJourney
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