Leading You to Live Out Your God-Given Mission

Powered by Faith

To be better, you have to have the courage to open your eyes and look.

To be the best, you have to take action on what you now see.

- Lisa Marie Platske

Leadership is a journey that never truly ends.

You walk through your life, doing the usual things.

You work.

You come home.

You go to sleep.

Maybe you work out …

Maybe you spend time with people who love you ...

On this journey, you probably experience one hard thing after another ...

... constant storms that take your breath away ...

~ Sickness - your own or a loved one

~ Divorce or a bad break-up

~ Death of a parent or a child

~ An abusive boss or relationship

~ A painful childhood

~ Bankruptcy

~ Business deals that went sideways

The list goes on and on.

You think, "This isn't the way my life is supposed to go. When am I going to finally catch a break?!?"

It brings up feelings of ...

~ Loneliness

~ Heartache

~ Regret

~ Desperation

~ Being lost

... a feeling of not being good enough for good things

... or sometimes even shame or embarrassment, wondering what you did

wrong, or what you did to deserve this.

Like so many others, you never address the root of your problems because

you're told by the world to:

"... suck it up ...

get it together ...

move on ...

plow forward ...

keep grinding …

because everyone has hard things ..."

You get bombarded with the dangerous message that --

"Winners push through. Losers wallow.

So, you should just shut up - and get back to work.

Because that's what leaders do, they lead."

Yet this message is exactly that - dangerous.

Because it has you keep pushing .. and pushing ... and pushing ...

... collecting one heartache after another, never fully realizing the consequences on your spirit or the toll it is taking on your body.

And, what if they got it wrong ...

... and your attempts to cope with the pain through ...

~ Sex or empty relationships

~ Drugs - prescription or not

~ Alcohol

~ Long hours at the office

~ Working out incessantly

... all trying to fill the ache.

You tell yourself, "I can do hard. Whatever it takes to succeed."

Yet, there's a nagging ache in your heart and soul as you move

through each day - and it keeps getting bigger.

Along the way,

You forget how to have fun.

You forget how to laugh.

You forget how to relax.

You forget how to just be ... you.

One day, you wake up and look around - shocked.

You've got all the right stuff.

The car. The house. The clothes.

People look at you -- and see you as successful.

A Leader.

Yet, you know the truth. The scary truth.

You're standing at a crossroads.

With a great big ache in your being, wondering what to do.

Oh, I get it.

I've had that ache.

And I tried to numb it for years.

What I learned is that ...

... You can do the usual stuff that's not really working - or you can venture

into what I refer to as the Messy Unknown.

An elephant is standing in front of a billboard that says messy unknown

No one ever thinks they'll be standing at this crossroads.

And few people will admit it.

I certainly didn't want to.

I remember thinking, "How did I even get here?!? I had everything all planned out..."

You set out to be a certain person in life - and life hits you so hard that you begin making compromises that take you so far off track from who you know you are and doing what you know you are meant to do.

So I hesitated, and questioned if I had the courage to take this journey.

The journey into the Messy Unknown.

Did I have the courage to take the leap of faith that I knew I needed to take to get what I truly wanted?

My biggest fear at the time was what if it didn't work?!?

Yet, I knew I couldn't stay where I was.

Fast forward ...

... and this journey of leadership gave me ease, peace, and freedom ... and a level of health, happiness, success and meaning that is hard to describe.

When you study my life, you'd understand.

Right now, you're doing something in your life to get something that you've been told you should want ... and can't even see what that is. (Read that again.)

We all have unconscious behaviors and drivers.

Over time, they stack up and keep us from having a meaningful and happy life.

Yet, when you're the one driving the bus, it's hard to see how the engine actually works.

You need someone from the outside who recognizes your past successes, sees your shortcomings, and is able to give you a blueprint for a new operating system that will give you ease, joy, and peace.

What if you 100% knew that your ache would be gone if you took this journey?

Want to know where to begin?

It starts with a single step.

Just one.

One decision from getting off the never-ending treadmill.

One decision from getting out of the hustle and grind.

One decision from getting from here to there.

Let's have a call.

Together, we are going to address the ache, the pain, and the prosperous path forward.

You're one decision away.

Don’t look back five years from now wishing you would have taken that leap of faith.

All you have is this precious moment,

So don’t waste it.

One decision, one call, one opportunity to transform your life.

 Begin YourJourney

A black arrow pointing down on a white background.

When you apply Upside Thinking to your life, you will enjoy clarity, peace of mind, and ease - and be the kind of leaders others want to follow.

Not sure where to begin?

Schedule a call with Lisa Marie today.

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The top 50 reveal how to build a brand in today 's economy
A woman is standing next to a sign that says 50 most admired companies of the year
A woman is standing next to a sign that says 50 most admired companies of the year
A woman is standing next to a sign that says 50 most admired companies of the year
A woman in a purple dress stands in front of a wall that says forbes
A quote from nelson mandela is written on a piece of torn paper

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By Lisa Marie Platske February 17, 2025
It’s been 20 years since I sat at my desk in Riverside, “California dreaming” about Upside Thinking, LLC. I envisioned it as a global leadership company and brand that would be different from organizations that focused on technical expertise. Our focus would be on happiness, success, and meaning – the top of Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. These tenets are built into the Upside Summit, an experience designed to bring leaders together in a way that fosters transformation. Life happens moment by moment, the lows and highs woven together like an exquisite silk tapestry. While it may feel good to focus on the high moments, the lows teach us how to discover and/or create happiness, success, and meaning. I’ve had an unsettling feeling in my bones lately and have questioned from where it’s coming. It feels as if there have been many blows or lows that my body has felt as if I’ve been in the ring with Ali, Mayweather, and Tyson all at the same time. The political landscape, as well as debates over AI, social responsibility, and freedom have created feelings of pain, grief, and outrage – which can be where meaning lives. Yet, it’s not an easy road to walk: feeling feelings, being uncomfortable, examining beliefs, finding clarity in the chaos, and making decisions. Perhaps you understand this. Meaning is defined as “ the sense or significance of… ” and when it intersects with caring about others as much as caring about yourself, then leadership becomes what is ... ... the Highest and Best good for All. You as a leader become more purpose-driven and seek to connect with others who have a similar why. Even when they have different beliefs, the common “why” as a focal point can hold you together. When there is no clear “why,” you have little motivation to take action any differently than you’ve done before. Have the courage to look at the gaps without getting caught up in the swirl of emotion, understanding that our common humanity can serve to unite us. ACTION: The Upside Challenge is to engage in a dialogue of meaning and different types of conversations with family, friends, and colleagues than you might typically have. Don’t shy away from talking about the lows. It is only from this place we can appreciate our differences. To do so is to be made anew. Remember, the world needs you and your brilliance. With everything Upside, Lisa Marie Platske President, Upside Thinking, LLC LisaMarie@UpsideThinking.com 951.334.9162 p.s. True leadership isn’t just about what you do, it’s about who you become. The Upside Leaders program is a 12-week journey designed to help you align with the Divine Operating System, so you can lead with clarity, conviction, and impact. If you’re feeling called to more—more meaning, more purpose, more transformation—this is your invitation. Step in, rise up, and lead at your highest level. Join us now.
By Lisa Marie Platske February 10, 2025
Cleaning and De-cluttering. This seems to be the daily theme at the farm. Since moving into the property, I’ve been releasing many things from my life: ~ Clothing I hadn’t worn in years ~ New pillows, bedding, and household items that never seemed right ~ Old electronics, including two laptops that a friend was able to re-purpose ~ Papers, papers, and more papers! I’ve also been re-examining what still fits as I move into this new chapter. Getting really honest with why I hold on to things (and people) when they clearly no longer fit in my life. I even deleted hundreds—dare I say thousands—of names from my email list, making my list size the un-sexiest it’s ever been. In the coaching world, this is seen as a fatal mistake—the kiss of death—as your list size is what makes you “cool.” On this part of my journey, I’m much more discerning of the people, places, and situations that are part of my life. I’m examining the distractions that keep me from shining brightly. And, after years of being told not to take things personally, that’s all I’m interested in, because life is personal. You can’t be a leader worth following unless you can see and honor someone’s humanity: ~ What makes their heart hurt ~ What makes them laugh uncontrollably ~ What makes them wonderful and unique That’s the kind of leadership I’m interested in. The kind that’s personal. And that just may take a little de-cluttering and letting go of what and who doesn’t allow you to be the best version of who you’re called to be. Don’t let people, places, or things get in the way of you shining your light. Because the world needs you and your brilliance, now more than ever. ACTION: The Upside Challenge for the week is to reflect on what’s taking up space in your life? Take 30 minutes today to identify one physical item or relationship that no longer serves you. Whether it’s an old piece of clothing, a cluttered drawer, or an obligation you’ve outgrown, release it with gratitude for its role in your life.
By Lisa Marie Platske February 3, 2025
Are you in integrity with yourself? That’s what the world is really asking when they see if you measure up as a leader worth following. The deeper you are in relationship with yourself, the greater you’re able to serve others and make a positive difference on the planet. You can’t be in integrity with yourself unless you’re able to access your emotions, to experience emotional well-being. See, most people sidestep the things they don’t want to deal with in their life. They do it all day long. They have hidden places, in dark corners, where they’d rather not look. The actions can look like no big deal, like saying ‘yes’ to something when you really want to say ‘no’. I mean it’s just easier to go along to get along. Yet when you do this, you’re out of integrity with yourself. And over time, the consequences are costly. You can stack up all of the wins, and get external validation, yet the person in the mirror will still be staring back at you. You can’t really hide from yourself. I’ve got a pretty tough exterior, and I was an emotional stuffer for years. It’s taken me a lifetime to understand that your emotions reveal where you’re off-track. When you choose to listen amidst the noise of the world, you can see what just may be getting in the way. Only if you’re willing to. Looking deep into your soul. The world needs you and your brilliance. ACTION: The Upside Challenge for the week is to pause and check in with yourself the next time you feel uncomfortable, frustrated, or out of alignment. Ask yourself: What is this emotion trying to show me about where I’m off track? Is there a hidden “yes” or “no” I’ve been avoiding? Once you’ve identified it, take one intentional step to honor what you uncover. Maybe it’s setting a boundary, speaking your truth, or letting go of something that no longer serves you. Your emotions are a guide, trust them, and see where they lead. 
By Lisa Marie Platske January 13, 2025
When you aren’t willing to fully examine… ~ what you believe, ~ the size of your comfort zone, ~ and the operational effectiveness of your processes and systems... … you stay stuck. There is a hard cost to choosing to stay stuck. ~ Physically ~ Emotionally ~ Intellectually ~ Spiritually ~ Financially ~ Relationally ~ And to the health of your career or business. Moving forward requires change. And, change is uncomfortable for most people, especially when it requires letting go of what was. It's not usually external waves that cause your boat to sink... ... rather it's the SMALL HOLE INSIDE your BOAT that YOU'VE BEEN IGNORING. A little reflection goes a long way, along with conversations with someone you trust. ~ What have you been ignoring or putting off? ~ What haven't you been willing to look at? Ignoring or delaying doesn't typically help because that small hole may be getting bigger... The longer you delay looking at things, the sense of overwhelm grows too-- much like the feeling that the boat is filling up with water. Pretty soon you may be swimming inside your proverbial boat. What is the process for getting unstuck? It starts with a commitment to make a clear-eyed assessment of where you are. This requires both courage and vulnerability. The costs to stay stuck are high. Be willing to see where you might be off course without judgment. Remember, judgment and discernment are different. One is constructive, the other is destructive. Next focus on what you want . What's your desired outcome? Use your imagination to build the bridge in the gap between where you are and also from the goal ("end"). ~ What do you need to do? ~ Who do you need to be? If you can create it in your mind, you can create it in the world. While it may look different as you build and take each step... you'll be moving forward... Find the courage to take the first step. ACTION: The Upside Challenge for the week is to LOOK at where you are stuck and have been ignoring or delaying. Examine the situation with a neutral eye from multiple angles. What is your desired and designed outcome? CHOOSE the first step ... which might just be reaching out to someone for coaching. Have the courage to take that ACTION step. If you need support or resources... reach out . The world needs you and your brilliance. 
By Lisa Marie Platske January 6, 2025
When you move into 2025 without properly closing out 2024, it’s like trying to hit a bullseye on a dartboard with a blindfold on. You might hit your target, yet your chances are slim that you’ll pull off a real win. Why? Because without a close-out process, you unconsciously bring things that didn’t serve you in the past into the future . Most people want more out of life than they currently have: More health More happiness More success More meaning Yet they fool themselves into thinking they’re winning by setting their sights on the bullseye. However, they never realize they’ve still got the blindfold on. They rely on sheer effort, throwing enough darts in the air or working extra hours, believing that’s how they’ll get ahead. So they keep hustling and muscling through. Or they stack up a few random wins and foolishly build their foundation like a house of cards resting on unsteady ground, destined to crumble. I’ve seen it happen over and over again… Watching top performers in their industry rack up lucky wins—only to lose it all: Burning out Getting sick Bankrupting their life physically, emotionally, spiritually, relationally, and financially No one thinks it will happen to them. There are four questions that can help you take the blindfold off and begin mapping out a real plan rather than relying on lucky shots. With these questions, you’ll: Get what you want with ease See clearly what you’re building and why Have the confidence to work smarter, not harder We dive into these four questions at the Upside Summit — and on our bonus call before you even set foot in the room. Sign up now at www.UpsideSummit.com While it’s still early in the year, take the time to ensure you aren’t caught with a blindfold on in 2025. ACTION: The Upside Challenge of the Week is to take time to close out 2024. ~ What do you want to leave behind? ~ What do you want to carry forward? ~ What do you want to create in 2025? If you want to take a deeper dive and learn about the 4 powerful questions that will help you map out a solid foundation, sign up for my last Upside Summit at www.UpsideSummit.com . Invest wisely by investing in yourself. The world needs you and your brilliance.
By Lisa Marie Platske December 30, 2024
"I’m scared..." ~ “I’m scared to take the leap of faith.” ~ “I’m scared to dream big.” ~ “I’m scared to do what I get is mine to do.” ~ "I'm scared of what people will think." ~ “I’m scared to pick up the phone.” ~ “I’m scared my kids will hate me.” And the list goes on and on. I've heard the phrase "I'm scared" thousands of times in coaching sessions. In other words, “I’m scared I’ll get it wrong or worse, I’m scared to FAIL.” When it comes to doing what YOU'RE CALLED TO DO, ... what you're MEANT to do, ... everyone gets the jitters. Yes, even the BEST in their class get nervous. Several years ago, I was asked to facilitate the annual conference for a community of global influencers where I was a board member. After selecting a team, we created an agenda and mapped out the speaker line-up choosing experts that were seasoned stage veterans. One speaker built -- and sold -- a 10-figure business. One speaker had millions of views for her TedX talk and was in the middle of writing a book that became a NY Times Best Seller. Another speaker had presented at countless Fortune 100 companies. At the event, EVERY SINGLE speaker got offstage and asked me or someone on my team for feedback on how they did – and if their presentation was "alright", fearing they got it wrong. I was shocked. And yet, it's not all that surprising. I've done the same thing, questioning my gifts and abilities. When you are COMMITTED to your calling, you understand you’ll FEEL THE FEAR and do it anyway. If fear has been holding you back ~ from a promotion, or ~ crippling you in your business, and/or ~ keeping you from making your mark on the world, it just may be time to make a change. One big thing to understand is that excitement and nervousness register very similarly in the body, and sometimes it's hard to tell the difference between the two. Successful leaders recognize their commitments are more important to listen to than the voices or sensations of fear. They get that nerves are part of the calling. Rising leaders can re-label fear to be excitement. Allow yourself to envision with excitement and anticipation the possibilities that are waiting to unfold on the other side of an action. Practice being fear-less by being pulled by possibility. COMMIT to what's yours to do, your Divine mission and purpose. ...because the world needs you. It needs what you have to say and what you -- and only you -- are called to accomplish. Take the leap of faith. ACTION: The Upside Challenge for the week is to pick ONE action per day this week that stretches your growth edges. Decide that fear is no longer an option ... because the world needs you and your brilliance, now more than ever. See Upside. Be Upside. Lead Upside.
By Lisa Marie Platske November 25, 2024
If God gave you a mission, purpose, and calling, don't you think He also would have given you the time to fulfill it?!? How often do you convince yourself that tomorrow will be more convenient to step into what you already understand you’ve been called to do? You act as if time is on your side, and you can negotiate with the clock. Yep. Coming in hot today. Maybe this truth stings—because deep down, you know it’s real. You know how easy it is to fall into the trap of 'later,' thinking you’ll have endless chances to fulfill the purpose set before you. Here's the thing: Time doesn’t owe you anything. You’re given this moment, right now, with the capacity to make something extraordinary happen. Don’t waste your precious minutes. Every second you put off what you’re meant to do is a second lost—forever. And tomorrow? It’s not guaranteed. What if the opportunity you delay today is the very thing that would change the trajectory of your life—or someone else’s? What if the Divine mission you’ve been entrusted with holds the answer someone in the world has been desperately waiting for? You’re here for a reason. The world needs your brilliance, your vision, your gift. That calling on your life isn’t accidental—it’s purposeful, and it’s waiting for you to step up. So don’t put off for tomorrow what’s yours to do today. Lean in, trust the process, and remember: You were made for this moment. ACTION: The Upside Challenge this week is to identify ONE task that you've been procrastinating on—something that you know is important and have kept delaying. It could be a project, a conversation, a decision, or even a personal commitment. Write it down. Then, take action on it immediately. No overthinking, no excuses. Start with the smallest possible step today and commit to moving it forward every single day this week. At the end of the week, reflect on how taking that step impacted not only the task but also your mindset and sense of purpose. Remember: Your time is a gift. Use it wisely 
By Lisa Marie Platske November 18, 2024
The desire for money often comes from a need to pay for a life you’ve probably already created. This means most folks operate all day long in survival mode. They've got bills to pay, and they only work so they can pay those bills. The latest phone Cable Fancy hair products/lotions Special rims A sweet ride Fast food and junk food Shoes, shoes, and more shoes! Designer duds The life they’ve created has come with a cost that’s so great, they can hardly breathe. How do I know this? Because I've been there. When you're in survival mode, you feel like there's no way out. I wanted to change my situation, yet it seemed everything that could help me felt like it was just going to be another bill. So I stayed right where I was until my first coach challenged me. I told her I couldn’t afford her coaching. She asked me if she should call me in a year. I asked her why. She said, " because we had this same conversation last year, and you're in the same place. " Ouch. See, like most folks, I was stuck in a cycle of poverty that had nothing to do with what I had and everything to do with what was going on inside of me. So I signed up to work with her. That was 18 years ago, and an $18k investment. At the time, I felt like I was in a sinkhole, yet I made my money back in 3 months. And not how you think. See, most folks will work all day to make money to pay for a life they don't really love. I have listened to thousands (not hundreds) of stories over the past two decades and given folks solutions to move forward. Often, when I offer to help in a bigger way and show them how to remove their obstacles, I’ll get folks telling me they don’t have the money. Sure, they’ll go on vacation or buy a new car, or go shopping, just not invest in themselves. I didn’t have the money either. And I found a way. Over time, I’ve learned it’s never about the money. It’s always about your habits, what you're truly committed to, and what you're willing to do to get what you want. In order for me to move from surviving to thriving, I had to get into the right environment. You don’t ever see eagles hangin’ out with pigeons. And remember, the world needs you and your brilliance. ACTION: The Upside Challenge this week is to take a close look at your spending habits. Is there something you consistently pay for that doesn’t add significant value to your life? It might be that daily coffee run, a streaming service, or impulse buys that feel good in the moment yet is not truly contributing to your growth. Now, instead of just cutting back, challenge yourself to redirect that money toward an investment in your personal development. For example, if you spend $50 a month on fast food, consider using that money to purchase a book that expands your thinking, sign up for a webinar, or put it toward coaching that helps you break free from survival mode. The key is to shift your mindset from paying bills for things you don’t truly need to investing in experiences, tools, or education that will fuel your growth. What can you give up today to make room for something greater tomorrow?
By Lisa Marie Platske November 14, 2024
What do you wish you had more of? ~ Time? ~ Energy? ~ Money? ~ Sex? ~ Intimacy? ~ Faith? ~ Organization? ~ Trust? ~ Love? How you answer these questions gives you information about the next right action to take in your life …because you can’t move towards what you want if you can’t clearly identify what it is. You can’t fix what’s not working if you’re not clear on what is working or where you’re headed. See, most people have a CLARITY issue(s) in their life or business. This is the necessary superpower to build a VISION... which is one of the 3 elements of being a leader worth following. Lack of it is also one of the biggest reasons why businesses fail. Lots of people think they’re clear. Phrases such as: ~ Make money ~ Financial freedom ~ Generational wealth are ambiguous. And you can't take action and be “mostly committed". That phrase is an oxymoron. (interestingly, the word oxymoron is from the root word "moros" meaning, "foolish") You are either committed or not. Real clarity comes from doing the work to EMBODY what you want – after you decide what that is. Live your commitment in the form of action. For me, it's all about living out my Divine mission, purpose, and calling. To create a focused plan to achieve what you want, you have to see it, smell it, taste it, hear it, touch it, and feel it. Most people only have a vague idea of what they want. Very vague. And, from this place, they will create what I like to call a “loose strategy" or "lose strategy"... because you can’t win BIG when you're vague. When pressed about where they’re headed, they give generic answers that sound like gibberish… or perhaps tell you a rote story they’ve repeated 100 times that means nothing. Clarity is something that oozes out from you. When you are clear on where you’re going, your level of FOCUS is very high... ... so that the WHY, the deep motivation that drives where you're going has you morph and integrate into what you’re moving towards before it becomes a reality. This is how your vision, when it comes to fruition, includes you in it. That’s what happened last week when I was at the range. I was clear about the outcome – and laser-focused on my why. It also happens in my business every morning when I open my eyes...as I'm crystal clear on my target, ready to take focused action. If there are items on your list right now that you want more of...increase your FOCUS to get CLEARER. Identify your WHY and map out your strategic plan on how to get there – wherever your envisioned "there" is. ACTION: The Upside Challenge for the week is to identify some of your ambiguous language around what you want. Get clear on what you REALLY want. See it, hear it, smell it, taste it, touch it in your mind's eye. Practice refining the vision daily. Take steps accordingly. Your time is now. The world needs you and your brilliance, now more than ever. Go shine your light.
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