Last week, Jim and I went on a trip to Washington, DC looking for new office space for me.
My parents met us in northern Virginia and I was telling my Mom about all the great places we would visit next year when I get my new office up and running in a few months.
As I rattled off my list including Mount Vernon, the Smithsonian, and the Natural Bridge, my Mom said, “I’ve been there and so have you.”
I said, “Who’s been there?” And, she said, “We all have.”
As the conversation continued, what ensued was actually quite comical.
I guess when I was about 10 years old, visiting the Natural Bridge was one of our many family vacations and after 100 “Are we there yet’s?”, when we arrived, my sister and I were pretty ho-hum about it and said, “Is that all there is to see?!?”
The journey and the destination.
Are we there yet? Is that all there is to see?!?
I began reflecting on my life and business and how often I’ve felt that way about the journey and the destination.
While I know that there is beauty in the journey and how spectacular the view can be when you enjoy each passing moment, if I’m honest with myself and you, I’ll admit that I’m not all that interested in the journey. In fact, every day I keep myself focused on the present so that I don’t get frustrated with how slow I feel I’m moving as I journey to my destination
I’m a big-picture, results-oriented gal.
I like to get to where I want to go and get there in the fastest, most expedient way possible.
Progress? Love it. Process? Not as much.
And, yet, both are part of my 7 Pillars of Leadership that I use in my coaching programs and at the Leadership Success Summit – January 24 – 25, 2014 –because they’re both important.
Making it happen and moving forward get us to the destination but if the experience on the way is a blur you’ll miss ½ your life.
In 2006, Adam Sandler starred in the movie, “Click” which was all about this phenomenon which look something like this.
==> You set a goal and do whatever it takes, sacrificing nights, weekends, holidays and spending time with the people you say you love.
==> You don’t take care of your own health eating fast food every day and forget about exercise as you definitely don’t have the time to sit down and eat.
==> You feel incredibly guilty about this cycle but know that it’s for “the greater good” of you getting what you want.
==> You spend countless hours daydreaming about what it would be like if your life was different and you weren’t overwhelmed and overworked.
==> You discover that you missed out on some of the most important moments and look back and think, “What happened?!?”
I built my business around my incredible life and love every moment of it.
While there are times when I get off track because I want to get the results as soon as possible, my detour is brief.
The journey is truly as beautiful as the destination.
ACTION ITEM: The Upside Challenge this week is to examine the cycle above and see if you’re missing out on the beauty in your own journey. And if you are, what are you willing to do about it?
I know for me I’m in the process of re-inventing several pieces in my business and life and am very excited about what’s around the corner.
See you on the Upside!
And, remember –Life is change. Growth is optional. Choose wisely. Lead Upside.