Dubbed the Happiest Place on Earth, Jim and I experience Disney often both together as well as with my family. The Magic Kingdom at Disneyland and Disney World, Epcot, and California Adventure are our favorites – and my brother has gotten me into the exclusive Club 33.
When I’m walking around the parks, I put on my leadership and business hat, and pay attention to what is going on around me from all angles. Since Disney attracts people from walks of life from around the world, the cultural dynamics are an attraction themselves.
I watch the employees live their values and often ask the workers questions about how they got there and why they work there. Yes, they love the magic, too!
I was recently reminded of a story I wrote several years ago as Jim and I strolled through Downtown Disney, admiring the creative minds of the Imagineers and Walt’s big vision – and it bears repeating.
In one of my favorite stores, Disney Days of Christmas, a little boy tripped and fell.
Arms and legs open and sprawled out on the carpet, he cried out to his Mom whimpering, “I fell. I fell.”
With tears streaming down his eyes, he looked up at his mom for sympathy.
She looked down at him and said, “That’s right Tommy, you fell. Now, pick yourself up and dust yourself off.” Period. That was all she said.
As Tommy’s mom proceeded to walk around little Tommy who had fallen face down strewn across one of the isles, I was amazed that she went right on admiring the beautiful Mickey Mouse ornaments and all of the Disney wonder.
Actually, I was frozen in time and stood by watching in awe.
Now mind you, I do not like seeing kids fall or find amusement in the pain of others. Please know that Tommy was not seriously injured nor did he suffer for a moment more.
In fact, he simply stood up, dusted himself off, looked around, and then moved forward.
Moving forward.
How often do we need a reminder from someone to do just that?
Sometimes life happens. You fall down and secretly want to stay down, crying out in pain or horror at why “this thing” happened to me.
You fall down.
If I can paraphrase from the wise works of Tommy’s Mom, “It’s time to pick yourself up and dust yourself off.” And, in the wisdom of Tommy, move forward.
Know that I’m not making light or making small of the monumental challenges that we face in our lives. I’m merely acknowledging that promise lies with the future, not the past.
I’m here to tell you that you are brilliant. You have something that no one else has or ever will have. You are a one-of-a-kind superstar. And, there are lessons in falling down face-first.
The Upside Challenge is what are you doing to move forward right now with everything you say you want? What are you doing to claim your gifts and talents?
For me, I choose to move forward. Every single day. Even when I fall down face first.
Life is Change. Growth is Optional. Choose Wisely. Lead Upside.
P.S. - Join me on June 18th (less than 10 spots left!) for my Make It Happen day where you can work on moving forward as you create new habits, and accomplish “more in eight hours than the past eight months” as one of the past attendees shared.