This past weekend, I had the pleasure of delivering the luncheon keynote at the 15th Women in the Black “Who’s the Boss?” Women’s Business Conference in Harlem.
My topic was about leadership but my message was about hope and standing strong in who you are, boldly claiming what you want, and choosing to lead your life with the priorities that are most important to you.
The feedback I received after my presentation was mind-blowing. And, not because of the praise, kudos, and love they showed me.
Hearing their passion and listening to their stories of triumph and heartache was awe inspiring.
Yes, being in a room filled with change makers who are making a difference in the world with their ideas, vision, and very presence overwhelmed me more than once.
When you dream your dream, do you dream of how you will lead your life?
Do you even dream of being a leader?
The world “leadership” can conjure up all sorts of images and thoughts – and it’s easy to get trapped into thinking that it’s about the title and you’re either “born a leader” or need an MBA or extensive training to learn the skills of leadership.
[easy-tweet tweet=”Leadership is influence – the art of persuasion” user=”UpsideThinking” hashtags=”#leadership, #UpsideThinking” template=”quote”]
You are either influencing or being influenced.
What I love about corporate America is that most people understand that you need to”sharpen the saw” or develop your skill set to get promoted.
Somehow, when these same people open businesses they forget that you still need to stay “on the grow” and “in the know”.
Skill development cannot stop. (And, this was another reason why I was inspired by these women who were giving up their Saturday from 9am – 9pm to invest in themselves.)
The theme of the conference was about moving forward and remaining relevant in the new economy.
Here are three (3) components critical to supporting your big vision:
1. Community – Being part of a community allows your impact to ripple beyond your circle and give your vision a wider reach. As you become a bridge builder for others, your possibilities own grow. And, this weekend was an incredible example of this as my dear friend Princess Jenkins, the founder of the conference, modeled this tenet so well .”
2. Collaboration – In order for your big vision to fully come to life, you need other people and their support. Surrounding yourself with people who are smarter than you challenges your vision as you think up new ways to take action. The win-win-win” environments you create guarantee your success will be a joint venture. And, coming full circle to share your lessons learned with others so they can grow and prosper ensures that the legacy you leave is one of connectivity and partnership.
3. Celebration – You are turning possibilities into realities. Because you lead a busy life, you’re probably a master at admiring and pointing out the contributions of others but rarely stop to celebrate who you are and what unique skills you bring to the world. Make sure you map out 5 minutes every day to celebrate your accomplishments – big and small – as you may find that “what’s next” is closer than you thought.
The world is in need for people who have a big vision and are willing to turn that “what if…” into a “what is”. Choosing to trail blaze means taking your big, bold vision and moving forward on days when you feel like staying in bed
Remember, you’re either influencing or being influenced. Now is your time to step up and lead to succeed!
P.S. - Feeling stuck or overwhelmed by your long to-do list? Sign up for my lastMake It Happen day this summer! Join me tomorrow, June 18th (my husband’s birthday – the King of Makin’ It Happen), and take action on the one thing or two things you’ve been putting off doing for weeks or months. Sign up here!