Someone asked me why I work so much.
Work has life-giving benefits… and I don’t let it spill over into areas I don’t want it to go.
My work is contained with HARD EDGES because there was a time in my life when it wasn’t… and I allowed it to OVERFLOW into my personal time and relationship time.
--> My morning routine consisted of jumping out of bed to get on the computer to get the workday started.
--> My evening routine consisted of eating a quick meal and getting back to the computer to finish the workday strong.
I gave up exercising and time with friends for the elusive “someday” …and spent weekends working “hard.”
While many people today are connected to their phones 24/7, I’m not one of them.
My closest friends consider me a terrible texter because I just stop responding in the middle of a conversation.
The change for me breaking the cycle was...PURPOSEFUL INTENTION and FOCUS with my time.
I traded in the belief of “if I get a bit more done right now, I’ll get the payoff -- and be able to be more present in the future” and replace it with the belief "be present in each moment and you'll always have enough time."
Do I work a lot?
To some, Yes.
To others, not even close.
What’s interesting about this conversation is that when you live from a place of choice vs. denial... you understand there is no end to work.
No magic day and time when it will all be done.
There is no finish line with work where you get to celebrate the full and utter completion.
Because if you have a DIVINE MISSION and PURPOSE, there’s ALWAYS MORE WORK to be done… and a GREATER CONTRIBUTION to be made.
When you want to live a life filled with HAPPINESS, SUCCESS, and MEANING, you create STRUCTURE that has HARD EDGES so it doesn’t seep into unwanted areas of your life.
I don't set boundaries (like walls) as they keep good things out.
I do have specific edges that allow me to do my best in the present moment every moment of the day.
~☆~ My MIND is rested.
~☆~ My HEART is overflowing.
~☆~ And, my BODY is primed for me to do my best work every day.
The best leaders get this.
At least those worth following.
Are you one of them?
ACTION: The Upside Challenge for the week is to examine your intention and focus.