There was a time in my life when I didn’t have anyone I could call my friend.
I felt alone and struggled with connection.
Deep down, I knew why. How could I connect with anyone else when I had a hard time looking myself in the mirror?!?
The person I knew that I was... was not the person the world saw, it was only the person I wanted the world to see. The one I thought people wanted.
I would vacillate between momentary joy and happiness feeling "successful," and in quiet moments, awash in self-loathing.
After so many years of “faking it” ...I got so good at pretending, living the lie that I could no longer determine what was the mask and what was really me.
The lines had become blurred ...and I was out of integrity with myself in so many areas.
Yet, you would have thought I had it all figured out.
Polished, and with clean lines, I was, like the old song goes, "a smooth operator."
I was that good at fooling people.
And, of course that was one more layer of not being able to connect with others and be in real relationship.
Back then, connection happened when it was convenient and on my agenda.
I was a user...people were my drug of choice...and I was going to take all I could from you.
While I’m not proud of this, learning how to extend mercy to myself for this chapter in my life...has enabled me to extend compassion and grace to others.
I wouldn’t change a thing about the journey regardless of how painful it has been.
The messes I’ve made have taught me how to clean them up...and take a look at what caused them. I keep up the discipline of being honest with myself and others.
And today it's why I'm a Truth Teller...and can spot misalignment from a mile away.
Understand there’s never a place where you’ll have it all handled. I don't. No one really does, even when it looks good from the outside.
Life can be messy.
Live it full, honestly. It's so much easier to enjoy the ride.
Have the courage to do the work on you can truly love and be loved. Truly connect with people. Experience it through and through.
And, when you are in authentic connection, the right people show up in your life in business too. In being 100% yourself, you're brightening the light of your leadership.
ACTION: The Upside Challenge for the week is to to look in the mirror. Are YOU there? Or is it a mask?
Be willing to love the person you truly are... so that others can too.
Take the risk. It's key to alignment and leadership that will have people willing and wanting to follow you...