~ Do you ever feel you’ve wasted time doing something you weren’t supposed to be doing?
~ Have you ever judged yourself for NOT TAKING ACTION on what you really want?
~ Have you ever wondered if you’re NOT really LIVING up to YOUR FULL POTENTIAL?
Research shows most people REGRET the choices THEY DIDN’T make...
and the chances they didn't take at the end of their life.
Yet, I get how sometimes fear can paralyze you from moving forward with what you want most.
My life has been a story of moving from Fear to Faith... which was also a chapter in my 5th book, an anthology entitled Turn Possibilities into Realities.
I would never have left working in Federal law enforcement if I didn’t take the journey from fear to faith.
When I made the decision to turn in my resignation, my dad wanted to know WHY I was going to move from the steady income of a 6-figure government gig...
... to a zero-dollars-promised opportunity opening up my own business…
Oh, and I had no business degree, knew no one who owned a business and
was living 3000 miles away from my closest friend or family member.
Still, I took the LEAP of FAITH -- and trusted a net would appear.
See, every day you get an opportunity to decide what you are going to do with your life.
Moment by moment, time moves forward without regard to your answer.
~☆~ Where do you need to take a leap of faith? ~☆~
Remember, your life is simply the sum total of all of the choices you've made.
If you’re not happy with where you’re at, you get to make different choices.
It really is that easy.
Stop making it more complicated.
ACTION: The Upside Challenge for the week is to examine your decisions and see where you might be fearful and playing it safe.
If you were at the end of your life looking back, how would you feel about this decision? Now what's your decision?
Now, go shine your light...
.. because the world needs you and your brilliance.