Do you keep your commitments?
Most people want to say yes…
…yet fail to keep commitments to themselves.
Just hear me out on this one as it’s a doozie…
Everyone has an internal account that holds what I call INTEGRITY currency.
Think about it like this…
Every time you MAKE a PROMISE or BREAK a PROMISE to a client or someone you care about, you either ADD a coin or you SUBTRACT one from your account.
The coins you deposit are made up of magnetic energy, making you less or more attractive.
When you make a promise to yourself, like taking time off or going on a holiday, and you fail to honor it, it is a double break of your integrity --
-- and your account is WITHDRAWN TWICE.
Because being out of integrity with yourself causes internal stress, shame, and regret -- because you didn't keep your word to the most important person in your life -- YOU.
And because the coins act like magnets, when you make deposits in your account, it grows AND your account grows, it starts to PAY DIVIDENDS...
...and you begin magnetizing OPPORTUNITIES with EASE.
The opposite is also true.
As your account shrinks from being out of integrity with yourself or others, opportunities bounce off of you and seem just out of reach when once they were plentiful.
You may work hard but can’t seem to get further ahead.
When this is happening, I tell clients to check their account.
~ Have you failed to honor commitments to yourself or others?
~ Are you depleted?
~ Is your account overdrawn?
Everything you do is creating a pathway in your brain to get you closer to what you want...or further away.
You choose in every moment who you are, what you want, and why it matters.
ACTION: The Upside Challenge for the week is to imagine yourself as a bank account.
Where are you spending?
When and how are you making deposits?
At the end of the month, quarter and year, what do you want your statements to look like?