When you have a mission greater than yourself, you recognize that by fully stepping into it you LIVE your LEGACY and can change the world.
Hear me out on this one…
When you’re on a mission, you understand this mission isn't just for you.
You have a responsibility to protect the lives of the next generation.
Self-interest becomes a SHARED INTEREST with those that come after your time on the planet.
As someone who has been called a “lone wolf” many times, I laugh because that implies I want to do life on my own. For the record, wolves travel in packs and are highly social creatures.
I love PARTNERSHIP and COLLABORATION – and understand it takes many to stand up to divisiveness.
Yet, I’m also clear that I’m not willing to confirm so you feel comfortable, or so that things remain the same just for the sake of remaining the same.
There are many people I’ve met that simply don’t have the COURAGE to go where I’m willing to go – and fully stand in their truth, and to be vocal enough to express what must be said to counter the darkness.
I’ve found that leadership shows up in unexpected places, often wherever it is most needed at the moment.
The COURAGE of those who use their voices for good always triumphs over those who seek to do evil.
This thought of “evil” in today’s world is often thought about with names like Stalin or Hitler who ruled their countries by fear, actually killing off the voices of those that they perceived were different...
There will always be "different".
Evil is all around us whenever there is an unwillingness to give voice to the voiceless or to someone "different."
Leadership happens in the here and now… and who you are and what you do every moment of everyday matters.
Recently I was in conversation with a colleague who spoke up at a meeting and said, “I can’t do this anymore or I’ll need to step out of the project.”
That takes courage.
Especially when it’s a billion-dollar project.
The best leaders SUPPLY HOPE, ENCOURAGE, and UNITE others, building BRIDGES.
This does not mean they are not controversial or have strong opinions.
That’s the kind of leadership I’m interested in.
The kind that effects change and makes the world better for all. The kind that is conscious of the future generation.
ACTION: The Upside Challenge for the week is to examine the legacy you are creating.
Are you making decisions with the future generations in mind?
Do you have the courage to make uncomfortable choices for the good of today and tomorrow?
The world needs you and your brilliance.