Does time fly when you're having fun?!?
The average American spends 37 minutes per day on Facebook.
If you do the math, it equates to 37 minutes / day x 7 days a week, which = 4.3 hours a week.
If you break it down further, you’ll see that 4.3 hours / week = 17.2 hours per month.
And if you look even closer at the numbers, you’ll calculate that 17.2 hours/ month x 12 months = 207 hours per year on Facebook, totaling a whopping twenty-five, (25) 8-hour workdays a year!
When people tell me they don’t have enough time to invest in their kids or their marriage, or their physical well-being, or their business, I ask them how much time they spend on social media or watching television or engaged in any sort of media.
Their time is often “lost” due to mini-distraction moments -- or poor planning.
Even folks who post content to build their business can get sucked into the black hole of "social" media or other forms of media.
All of those little pings add up.
They remove focus on what matters most and teach you how to be distracted.
And if your disorganization or your media addiction costs you an average of 90 minutes a day, you miss out on 70 FULL WORKDAYS a year!
Think about it.
That’s precious time that could have been invested ...
... in improving your health,
... in bettering your relationships,
... in growing your business or
... in living your upside LIFE.
Rachet that up if you’re spending time with activities that don’t honor your sacred mission and purpose.
That’s why I’m dialed into being intentional every single moment of my life.
》What am I exchanging it for?
》Who am I investing it with?
Because I’ll never get it back.
The best leaders get this.
How about you?!?
Remember ...the world needs you and your brilliance.
ACTION: The Upside Challenge of the week is to do a time study.
Where are investing the most precious moments of your life?
Who is getting the majority of your time?
Is it honoring your leadership mission and divine purpose?