*** When you want to help people, you tell them the truth.
*** When you want to help yourself or help yourself feel more comfortable, you tell them what they want to hear.
In many circles, I’m known as a truth-teller…as I have an internal B.S. meter that rachets up regardless of how smooth something sounds coming out of someone’s mouth.
And, it’s because I used to be the one slingin’ the sh*t… that I can now smell it a mile away.
Just sayin'.
It’s also a BIG piece of my coaching.
I could be like many coaches out there who water down what their clients need to hear… so they don’t offend them.
It would certainly "help" me in a way, if I only gave clients tactics… and talked about how to use leadership simply to get more clients in 90 days or less.
Yet, my work goes deeper than that because I want clients to have the steps needed to create a long-lasting impact in all areas …so I tell them the truth.
This can be confronting because it requires that they be in honest self-examination on a daily basis.
~ Physically
~ Emotionally
~ Intellectually
~ Spiritually
~ Financially
~ Relationally
~ Strategically at work
The ultimate results are more clients, more lucrative contracts, AND greater health, happiness, success, and meaning ... yet, not always in your own timing.
On this journey, especially in the beginning, it doesn’t always feel successful…or perhaps that you will ever get there.
Two of my clients were in massive breakdown earlier in their year with me -- just in different ways.
~ One messaged me every time she felt paralyzed... which was often... and typically after immersing herself in so much work that she was running on fumes.
~ The other one would hide out from me after I would confront him about the actions he was taking... challenging him to do something different to get a different outcome.
I could see what they couldn’t see… including why they were in the struggle in the first place.
Last week, I got an email from both of them EXCITED about the opportunities they created.
Both landed lucrative contracts – about a million dollars combined – because they continued to do the work.
While some of my clients make money like this every week…for the size of each of their businesses and the industry they’re in…this was LIFE-CHANGING.
They stayed the course when they wanted to give up.
They both did the boring, unsexy, and repetitive work day in and day out…and each was surprised by the result…because they weren’t sure it was possible… or how the heck this was even gonna happen.
And while some clients need tactics which I freely give…most just need to listen to what I tell them to do, take the steps I tell them to take, and do the work that most challenges them over and over and over again.
One of these successes had me in tears because it wasn't easy. I pushed every button, and while he ran and hid at times, he never quit, and most importantly, never gave up on himself or those he’s called to serve.
When you want to help people, you tell them the truth.
When you want to help yourself-- really help yourself... listen.
Listen even when it may feel uncomfortable and push you to your edge.
Remember, it's likely a growth edge. Do you want to stay the same and never grow?
ACTION: The Upside Challenge for the week is to examine where you may be shying away from having a conversation because you're avoiding something.
Is it a tough conversation?
Is it a growth edge for you?
Or the other person?
Tap into the love and respect you have for yourself. Tap into the love and respect you have for the other person. Get real to get growing.
Now, go shine your light (while you’re doing your work) … because the world needs you and your brilliance, now more than ever.