…and I started WINNING when I walked away from the certain types of fights that gave energy to the wrong things, the "small" ones in the big picture.
~ I stopped fighting those who said mean things about me, letting them have their opinions.
~ I stopped fighting with people in my family who wanted me to be something different than I am.
~ I stopped fighting to be the center of attention hoping to be seen by people who will never see me.
~ I stopped fighting to get people to value who I am and what I bring to the table ... and DECIDED to LET THEM GO and BUILD MY OWN TABLE, sharing my gifts with people who get how amazing I am and see the value of what I do.
~ I stopped fighting to please everyone around me because all it did was leave me tired.
~ I stopped fighting to prove the haters were wrong about me and just chose to LEAD with LOVE.
I walked away from these fights -- and left them for the people who want to fight PETTY fights. Or fights that were based on misunderstanding or fights just to be fighting.
And I started FIGHTING FOR
~ my Mission
~ my Values
~ my Vision
The day I gave up on the small fights is the day I started WINNING.
How about you?
--> Where do you need to lay down your sword and move on?
Some fights are simply not worth your time.
Choose what you fight for wisely.
ACTION: The Upside Challenge for the week is to notice what you're continually fight about.
Can you actually win?
Is it worth fighting?
What's the outcome?
Chart how many fights you put down? Notice how you feel. Your time and energy is precious. Use it wisely.
Care for yourself -- by deciding carefully-- what you actually want to "fight for." Make sure it's worthwhile and worthy of you.
Because the world needs you and your brilliance.
Now more than ever.