My gal pal, Jessica Stroud and I were talking ...
... and our conversation helped me to see something I couldn't recognize on my own.
One day after an amazing day at a live event we were both speaking at ... I woke up feeling sad.
Then I was angry that I felt sad.
Maybe you get this.
I started thinking, "Why don't I feel incredibly grateful right now?!?"
Well ... actually, I did feel grateful.
What I noticed was that while I was grateful, I felt grief too. Washing all over me in that moment.
You see, it’s possible to experience grief and a whole range of emotions such as anger, frustration, even joy-- all while simultaneously being grateful.
What had occurred was, I had stepped away from my farm. And, because at my farm (my home), I’d been living in a season of divine destruction.
It felt like “fires” all around me – well, actually it was more like floods. Multiple pipe bursts that caused massive damage necessitating a total re-do of the house I had JUST finished remodeling and decorating.
I’d been so busy handling each wave that I'd not had time to grieve the significant losses. Loss around my sense of identity, my home, my loved ones.
It was important to recognize and to take a little time to care for myself in light of all that grief.
I needed to bring to light what was operating in the background for me to be able to release that energy of feeling devastated. And, feel gratitude even more completely.
In talking to Jessica, I could feel it all. It reverberated deep in my soul.
You may think when things go well ... they will always stay that way. Not true.
The best leaders understand that there are seasons to everything.
The best leaders get the value of feeling emotions, the whole range.
The best leaders understand that when they allow the feelings to be felt and processed, then they don't get stuck in your body. (More on that for another day.)
And the best leaders understand that they can feel…
... do the right thing, and take actions when dealing with challenges and the daily responsibilities and realities of life.
Authentic, courageous leadership put into action starts with You.
Feel the feelings without letting them take you out of commission as a leader.
Choose to pause, and take care of yourself. Remember, pausing is a critical action to being a leader worth following.
ACTION: The Upside Challenge of the week is to allow yourself room to feel. Allow it to move through you… and past you.
Recognize what the feelings “tell you.” Incorporate that wisdom.
Be the leader you are called to be.
Go shine your light.
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