For most people the journey to Success looks like this:
You work “hard,” hustling and grinding, ...
... telling yourself you’ve got to do this for “x” amount of time ...
... until you become successful.
On the way to Success Street, you realize you are overfull and overworked and you need a coping mechanism to deal with the side of stress along the way.
The coping mechanism you pick varies from ... substance abuse, drugs, alcohol, energy drinks, binging on Netflix, overeating, mindless chatter on social media, overexercising, pornography, etc.
... all served up on a menu where you pick your poison.
You tell yourself it's not as bad as if you did "fill in the blank" ...
... or operated like "fill in the blank " ...
... and it’s really alright as you deserve the break.
Deep down you know it’s just a way to numb vs. deal with the truth of your life situation.
(Note: I’ve had people tell me they are too scared to work with me because I will ask them to look in the mirror.)
After being on this treadmill for a long enough time, your system will do one of three things: it will either cause you to 1) act out, 2) burn out, or 3) you'll get sick.
I understand this well … as this too was my journey.
~ Overeating
~ Mindless scrolling on social media
~ Angry outbursts - and a breast cancer scare
Oh ... and there's more ugly that goes along with this ... as I did my best to hide from myself.
Yet everywhere I went, there I was.
See the most painful part of this cycle is that you were promised happiness ...
when you become 'successful.'
So you spent all of your waking hours seeking Success, only to be left standing at this intersection in life wondering what happened ... feeling empty, as if something is missing.
Much like Alice in Wonderland going into the "looking glass" when we really look at ourselves, it can be daunting and feels wild, wonky, and can turn things seemingly upside down.
And it takes courage to stay the course instead of dodging the work to be done -- that ironically starts with acceptance and love instead of the punishing "stick" we may expect...
When you understand you have a Divine mission, purpose, and calling, and you can have Success with a side of ease may just have the courage to do everything in your power to live that out.
Health, meaning, and contribution yield success.
Anything else is a distraction.
The best leaders get this.
Your time is now.
What are you waiting for?
Look in the mirror.
And commit to shining your light.
ACTION: The Upside Challenge for the week is to look with love and acceptance at the person in the mirror. Who do you see?
What is needed?
What is the first step to take?
Each step IS the journey.
Have the courage...