So … the conversation went a little like this …
Me: “What do you do?”
Them: “I’m a __________.”
Me: “Oh … I don’t mean what do you do for money …I’m asking what do you do for the world? Why are you on the planet right now?”
See, I’m interested in your Divine mission, purpose, and calling.
The "what you do" that has you excited to get out of bed in the morning… the "what you do" that has you feeling as if there aren’t enough hours in the day to move the needle forward when your head hits the pillow at night.
That calling.
While you recognize the difference you’re making, you seek to have an even greater impact.
Too many people overcomplicate this journey.
Getting clear on your Divine mission, purpose, and calling doesn’t happen when you think about it or in one sitting.
It is revealed to you over time …and comes when you are finally able to feel into all of the experiences in your life.
There is a process to tapping into the Divine Operating System.
I teach how to access this living, breathing system in my Upside Leaders program … and share how the answers aren’t ever found in your head.
When I was in my 20’s, I spent a lot of time thinking, wondering why I went through hardships.
I’d look back at the list of things that felt like punishments from God.
~ Having a deadbeat dad who served jail time for beating his kids.
~ Being the recipient of physical harm from the 2nd man my mom married.
~ Sexual harassment on the job
I wanted to hide experiences like this as I saw them as strikes against me … as if it was me who caused them.
Yet, everything I’ve gone through has served a purpose …
… as I get to do leadership coaching and training every day with leaders who have a story and see themselves in my story.
Yes, they each have a past that has formed a tapestry from the pains they have lived through … and the countless ways in which they have triumphed.
All of them answer the "what do you do" question the same way I do, …
… seeking to use their experiences and be a force for good on the planet.
So the next time someone asks you "what do you do?", don’t get caught up on answering by telling them what you do for money.
Build true connection.
And tell them who you are, what you do for the world, and why it matters.
That’s the Upside Way.
ACTION: The Upside Challenge of the week is to reflect on how you speak about what you do and why.
Ensure your answer best shows others a holistic picture of you.
Remember, you are not just your job and what you do for money.
The world needs you and your brilliance.