Can you feel that?
The gentle nudge that has been softly whispering that it’s time.
Yes, it's time.
See, you can procrastinate what you’re called to do because of the storms around you.
You can put off what you know is yours to do.
And when you do, it never feels good.
Oh, and I get that the fear of stepping in can be terrifying.
Let me remind you of how Powerful you really are.
You just have to take a stand for what you want.
… what you REALLY want.
Because you’ll always be going into a storm, going through a storm, or
coming out of a storm.
That's life.
Ask me how I know.
Don’t be too busy to do what you know in your heart
is yours to do.
Your brilliance has the ability to light the world.
And just one spark can brighten an entire room.
Yeah, you're that powerful.
If you have been looking for a sign to unbury that dream that you put away a long time ago, this is IT.
You are being called to something greater and the world needs you more than ever.
Your circumstances can be overcome.
Your old patterns and beliefs can all be traded in for new ones.
Just get into action.
Not sure how to do it alone?
Message me.
I've got your back.
It's time.
The world needs you and your brilliance.
ACTION: The Upside Challenge of the week is to identify your top three commitments for 2024, and which one you're going to take action on today.
What have you been wanting to do that you've been putting off?
Your time is now.
Action, not goals, produces results.
And the world needs you and your brilliance.