Did you ever wish you had more time to do what you wanted?
The best way to make a change is the E3 method.
Examine your past.
Evaluate the present.
Envision your future.
This is a tool I use during my morning reflection and God walks.
Several years ago, I was using the E3 method focused around connection.
I had written several books on the topic and wanted more of it in my life.
I realized while I spoke about it on stage when I looked in my calendar,
my words didn’t match my actions.
You can tell a lot about a person by where they invest their time, energy and money ...
... regardless of what they tell you.
It was clear to me that I didn’t have enough connecting in my daily life.
At the time, my days were overfull and while lots of tasks got handled, there wasn’t enough real, authentic connection.
I felt like a fraud speaking on the topic, having little connection time in my weekly life.
I had been burned several times the year prior and if I was honest with myself, it was that I didn’t want my heart to be trampled on again.
When I began opening myself up to connect again, was amazed by the connections that grew from my intentional practice.
One of them was with a grade school friend.
She was an elementary school teacher working in the neighborhood where my grandparents used to live.
And while I didn't live there, it's where I went to school and spent most of my childhood.
The school is located in a lower socio-economic area which means budgets are even tighter and there's less money to go around to give kids what they need.
She put out a request for classroom supplies to supplement the little the school district gives her.
For example, each kid is entitled to ONE pencil per semester.
I think I lost one each day when I was a kid.
Three years ago, the Holy Spirit put it on my heart to sponsor her classroom.
Last year, I began looking for additional ways to give to the students who were hungry to learn.
If you're interested in helping out with my winter coat drive and mid-semester school supply fundraiser, just message me.
And much to my surprise, I got a package last week from her students and their cards moved me to tears.
Take inventory on your life every day.
If something is missing, be willing to do something about it now.
Don’t wait until the new year, or for 'someday' to come.
Because the world needs you and your brilliance.
Now more than ever.
ACTION: The Upside Challenge of the week is to set aside 15 minutes each day this week.
~ Five minutes to examine.
~ Five minutes to evaluate.
~ Five minutes to envision.
Take notes on what you hear and see in your quiet time.
You just may be surprised.
On day five, get out a piece of paper and write at the top of it: This Is My Plan: Then, add an extra five minutes to the E3 Method -- and write down what you will do after a week of listening to what you were seeing and hearing.
Again, you just may be surprised what shows up.
Remember, action, not goals, produces results.