I learned a long time ago that success is personal.
You can have a 6, 7, or even 8 figure net salary, and still feel EMPTY.
Just ask some of my clients how they felt before working with me, and why they came to work with me!
--> YOU and you alone DETERMINE your DEFINITION of SUCCESS.
--> YOU and you alone CREATE the METRICS to MEASURE that SUCCESS.
No one on the planet can give you your value, or worth or define success for you.
Once you identify your personal definition of success, you can anchor it to your Soul’s purpose.
When you do this, you become more focused and everything else starts to fall away because you are able to see more clearly what's important. And equally -- what isn't important.
The depth of clarity increases your levels of gratitude... as you let go of any societal expectations.
Fortified with gratitude and a sense of increased freedom, your ability to sustain focus on your mission, purpose and calling is heightened.
You can celebrate and enjoy the journey of your life....
... rather than trying so hard to be someone else’s version of success.
Rid yourself of the misconception that there is some ideal version of you. It's a mirage.
And when you start chasing that mirage, that perfection, you end up doing something that isn’t yours to do or be, and you often find yourself
overwhelmed, depleted, or overworked.
The true measure of HEALTH, HAPPINESS, SUCCESS, and MEANING COMES FROM WITHIN, and until you figure that out, you will feel empty, lost, or seeking something external to fill the void.
That’s why I feel both committed and honored to do the leadership coaching work I get to do every day.
Now, I’m gonna challenge you…
Spend some time in QUIET.
Not just today.
Every. Single. Day.
If farm life has amplified anything, it’s this: the only way to hear what’s yours to do is to LISTEN.
WITH YOUR WHOLE BODY, not just your ears.
To do that you’ve got to be STILL, QUIET, and UNATTACHED to the answer.
"Being unattached to the outcome" is a key part of powerful listening. It's actually what can give you greater confidence in the answer, decision, or information you receive.
ACTION: The Upside Challenge for the week is to explore and write up your unique definition of success.
What are the metrics you will use to measure your progress?
Refine your definition by spending time in quiet and whole body listening.
Remember it doesn't have to look like anyone else's.
The world needs you and your brilliance.
Now more than ever.
Don’t let your people down.