Want to guarantee your success?
Well, there is ONE SECRET that gets you closer to the finish line than anything else so you may want to take notes as you read this.
On day one at my Upside Summit, we dive into Pillar #1 and the steps it takes to build an effective written PLAN. And of course, there's a good reason.
If you set a goal, you’re only 10% (Eek!) likely to complete the goal.
For many years the stepfather of a dear college friend of mine was invited to Good Morning America every New Year’s Day to talk about this phenomenon. Turns out...
Once you decide to take action, you’re 25% likely to get to the finish line.
And if you put a time frame around it, you become 40% likely to turn that goal into a reality.
When you map out the PLAN for reaching that goal, you increase your odds to 50%.
And, by telling someone that you’re going to achieve what you want, you are 65% likely to succeed.
What I think is even more INCREDIBLE is that when you have REGULAR ACCOUNTABILITY you become 95% (!!!) likely to do what you set out to do.
This is why I have something called Upside Commitment Conversations in my coaching programs that pair with check-in calls and a weekly Success Tracker.
In my own professional development, I could never find a course or program that offered regular accountability and often felt as if I was getting further and further behind with more things added to my long to-do list.
>> I like simplicity and value implementation over education. <<
That’s why today I read less and take action on more.
After analyzing how I utilized my time, I found that trying to read too many books slowed down my ability to put into action what I learned...
... and often had me feeling frustrated and a little panicky.
I intuitively understood, I needed to be less in my head and more in action.
I'd had done a tremendous amount of research, study, and lived experience already.
I’m guessing you’ve learned a lot in your years on the planet.
And, there are things you understand you should be doing that you’re not doing.
When I look at the clients who have been faithful to showing up for weekly accountability, I’ve noticed that they’ve achieved more of what they’ve wanted.
They're clear where they’re going.
They stay focused because they understand they’re going to be held accountable for their progress and my team is going to check in with them.
I’ve been on the cutting-edge of the coaching industry for over a decade.
My leadership programs are backed by research and proven to deliver results and I'm passionate about sharing this information and coaching people to success.
Interested in learning more? DM me. We'll have a conversation about you and where you're headed.
ACTION: The Upside Challenge for the week is to examine where you aren't in action. Do you have a clear commitment, plan, and accountability?
Boost your odds for success from 10% success to 95%.
Close the gap.
Make it happen.
Whether it's taking the action you understand you need to take or finding a resource of support and accountability.
Because the world needs you and your brilliance.
Now more than ever.