One of the biggest decisions in life is figuring out WHEN to HOLD ON and WHEN TO LET GO of something or someone.
Making this decision in my personal life and my business is a continuous happening, because I’m committed to improvement and life-long learning.
The actions I take each day are INTENTIONAL and PURPOSE-DRIVEN.
As I reflect on the different ways I’ve done this in my life and business, the formula remains the same.
--> What.
--> How.
--> Who.
~ Sometimes it’s the WHAT -- as I examine what I am spending my time focused on or doing.
~☆~ WHAT needs to be changed?
~ Sometimes it’s the HOW -- as I examine the process and systems involved in how I use my time.
~☆~ HOW does what I’m doing need to be changed to get the results I want?
~ Sometimes it’s the WHO -- as I examine the people with whom I’m investing my time.
~☆~ WHO has the expertise to guide me so I get the desired outcome I’m looking for –
- and who is getting in the way?
Lately, I’ve been looking at when to hold on to something and when to let go in the remodeling process at the farmhouse we purchased in December.
I want to keep the history intact and some things need to be changed and updated.
Understanding what to keep the same and what to change has been part of this journey.
Yet sometimes the questions I ask aren’t enough…which is why I have advisors to help me along the way…to see what I can’t see.
With Summit Hills Farm it’s been…
~ A contractor.
~ An interior designer.
~ A plumber.
With my business Upside Thinking it’s been…
~ A business coach.
~ A financial mentor.
~ A digital marketing genius.
Sometimes you’re just too close to see what you need to keep... and what you need to let go of on your journey.
For my clients, that's where I come in.
I help you identify if you've been making excuses for experiences and people who are no longer a fit.
When you try to make something work that’s not in your best and highest good…you get stuck. I am able to hold up a mirror so you can see for yourself and make a different choice.
Sometimes the actions you’re taking can’t get you what you need and/or the people you’re spending time with just aren’t capable of going where you’re going. I'm willing to show you things that may be hard for you to recognize or admit to yourself.
Check in with your What, How, and Who…and have the courage to let go of something or someone as needed.
ACTION: The Upside Challenge for the week is to make a conscious effort to let go of things, people, or situations that are no longer serving your highest and best good.
Start with a list. It could be people. It could be a belief or habit.
Work through the list one by one.
Reach out for support if you are having trouble identifying these things or in making the changes.
Because the world needs you and your brilliance.
Now more than ever.