If something has been keeping you from your brilliance, it’s likely fuzziness or a distraction.
You might think it’s because you don’t know how to do something or where to go next… however it is often not the how or the where that stops you… rather it’s the what.
Most people don’t have CLARITY on their path.
You can’t fully step into a VISION without it.
Clarity is LIGHT that shows you it’s safe to KEEP MOVING FORWARD on your path.
To turn it on and see, you’ve got to be STILL.
And for someone who likes to move and be in action, this has been a difficult part of my journey.
Yet, I recognize it's why the most brilliant minds chose to meditate and invite silence into their life.
And I see how in my own life, the best answers always come after I choose to be STILL AND QUIET.
It's why I make it part of my daily routine, and why I recommend if there’s too much noise going on around you and you’ve been feeling “off” a bit lately, go for a God-walk. Get still and quiet inside yourself.
Spend time just LISTENING to the wonder of life happening all around you,
unencumbered by the busyness. In the state of this open-minded listening, we can often understand better and gain a new perspective.
You just may find the clarity you’ve been looking for.
~ See Upside.
~ Be Upside.
~ Lead Upside.
ACTION: The Upside Challenge for the week is to practice, every day, getting still and quiet. It could be a seated meditation, or it could be stillness that is a practice of quieting your mind and emotions while also allowing for movement.
From the place of inner stillness, what do you hear?
Notice what you are listening for. Jot down notes each time.