When you want to create something new or different, your mind is going to tell you no.
That resistance is an intrinsic part of being human.
It's your mind's way of keeping you safe, tucked away in the familiar, where things are predictable and comfortable.
Most humans love to be comfortable; it's our default setting.
Here's the catch: the comfort zone, that place where everything feels easy and safe, is also the place where dreams go to die, and opportunities pass us by unnoticed.
I used to believe that the goal of life was to reach a place where I had complete freedom—a destination where I'd finally "arrive" and everything would fall into place.
Over time, I realized that freedom isn't a destination; it's in the journey itself.
It's in the everyday moments of choosing courage over comfort, growth over stagnation.
If I truly want to move beyond where I am currently, I have to be willing to stand in a place that feels wildly uncomfortable ... where I'm a beginner.
It's in those moments of discomfort, of stretching beyond what I've learned, that true growth happens.
And although I don't particularly enjoy that feeling, I recognize it's a necessary part of the growth process.
You're here to create something extraordinary, something that only you can bring into this world.
I may not know exactly what that "something" is for you, yet your Soul does.
Deep down, you already have a sense of what you're meant to do, the legacy you're meant to leave behind when you depart from this planet.
The question is, will you serve yourself and cling to the comfort zone, where nothing ever changes?
Will you choose to impact countless lives because you dared to step into the unknown, where growth and transformation reside?
The choice is yours, and it's a significant one.
Choose wisely, because the world needs you and the brilliance you have to offer.
Your unique gifts, abilities, talents, and experiences are elements only you can bring to life, and you do this by fully utilizing them.
So, while taking this journey may be uncomfortable, it's also where health, happiness, success, meaning, and fulfillment await.
ACTION: The Upside Challenge of the week is to identify one area in your life where you’ve settled into a routine or comfort zone, whether it’s in your work, relationships, or personal development.
This week, challenge yourself to take one action that feels unfamiliar or slightly uncomfortable.
It could be initiating a difficult conversation, trying something new that is exciting to you, or making a decision that requires an added dose of courage.
As you stand in your discomfort, reflect on how this one action moves you closer to the legacy you want to create, remembering that progress only happens when you step out into the unknown.