Who do you need to --> BECOME <-- to get what you want?
To become.
To become is to “begin to BE” something.
~ To be strong.
~ To be compassionate.
~ To be empathetic.
~ To be self-led.
~ To be love.
The actual journey to becoming is one most people don’t want to be on because it can be wildly confronting to look at the "junk in your trunk", meaning all the stuff you carry around that you don't really look at and aren't paying attention to. It's the un-conscious or semi-conscious stuff that's affecting you, slowing you down, and taking up room.
Most people would rather skip steps. They might believe that if they just proclaim who they are only with their words…feeling that if they affirm, “I Am “x”… then so shall I be.”
While this may be the 1st step, it is a baby step.
Just because you say you’re a leader doesn’t make you one.
Let me repeat that.
Saying who you are through your words is a BABY STEP. The junk in your trunk will not magically disappear.
Too many people get lost in the world of affirmations vs. the world of actions.
Becoming “x” requires more than speaking it aloud...regardless of how loudly you say it.
True Leaders – those worth following - are an EXAMPLE to others ~
~ In word.
~ In deed.
~ In public.
~ And, behind closed doors.
When you’re on this journey, you may have a system to step into, like my 7 Pillars…however you don’t have a formula to follow.
Because the journey of BECOMING isn’t formulaic.
It challenges you to Be. And to BE uniquely you and follow your unique path... There is no pre-existing formula. There are tools, systems, processes, commitments, and actions.
Recently I was in conversation with my team and I apologized for not getting something right.
The core values of my company are:
The acronym is EARS.
We are committed to Fully Listening with our Body, Mind, and Spirit.
And, I didn’t do that.
So, I owed them an apology – and a promise to do better.
I’ve done this from stage before.
And, on retreats.
And it’s how I’ve gotten 1% better every day.
When you compound that over the past 2 decades, my transformation has been astounding…ask anyone who’s worked with me, watched me, or lived with me.
When you are on the journey of BECOMING, you examine EVERYTHING you say and do.
When you get it wrong, you find a way to make it right.
Here’s an incredible example of this with a past client.
Several years ago, I worked with someone who had agreed to pay me “x” for a service.
They didn’t honor their signed agreement and said they just couldn’t pay me.
I let it go understanding this is about their integrity, not mine.
Three years later, this person came back to me...
... and asked where they could send me money...
... and paid the remaining balance on our agreement.
I had written it off in my head and books... and was incredibly surprised by her calling me out of the blue.
Yet here’s the thing…
... I shouldn't have been ...
… as she was on the journey of BECOMING…
… and at this point in her coaching practice, she understood that by not paying me and other debts she had…
… she had created a break in integrity that was blocking who she wanted to BE.
~ A woman of honor.
~ A woman of influence.
~ A woman of impact.
It was affecting her physical, emotional, spiritual, financial, and relational health and well-being.
By honoring our agreement, her commitment, and her word – and cleaning up other formal and informal contracts she had made... she opened the door for people to do the same in her business.
And she began THRIVING.
She called me and apologized.
Three. Years. Later.
It was a Wow moment.
See, the entrepreneurs, business owners, and leaders who want the type of leadership work I do (there are very few of us) are already COMMITTED to making a difference...and they get they have to start with themselves.
They also understand that doesn’t mean it’s a solo journey.
Most of them have a deep sense of responsibility to their God-given mission, purpose, and calling, and they understand the consequences of every action in the BECOMING.
Yet some of them get scared and want to run when we dive into the deep.
If this is you I understand.
Oh, I understand.
This has the journey I’ve been on for a very long time…and early on I played hide and seek with the idea of becoming.
So, let me do what someone did for me...and remind you that the world needs you and your brilliance.
If we’re working together, it’s also a reminder to trust the process.
Do the work.
Don’t fall victim to the distractions.
ACTION: The Upside Challenge for the week is to look in "your trunk." Do you have things that need cleaning up so that you can become and shine in your brilliance?
(Hint: look for anything you don't want to look at... the things that don't match who you say you want to be as a leader. )
And, if you need someone to talk to, I'm just a phone call or email away.