I remember the old me well… the woman I used to be.
Sometimes I still see her … as she’ll crop up and "take over" to do something every now and then. These moments have me walk down memory lane.
I remind myself without her strength, courage, and wisdom…I wouldn’t be standing here today.
Yet, there was a time when I only saw all of the flaws…
… the times when I got it wrong…
… and felt unworthy for so many reasons.
Times when I betrayed me or sold out... and pretended it didn’t matter...or didn't realize how much it did matter. I was struggling with my own lack of integrity, and inability to honor the values I said I held dear.
It took years. Yet, in increments, I found that when the compassion I felt for myself and my journey grew…it also grew for others.
Years ago, I worked to erase the scars from the wounds I had… and today I see their beauty as they remind me of where I’ve been – and how far I’ve come.
I don’t have regrets as my mistakes and losses... created lessons I've learned well because I lived through the mistakes and losses.
Where I once felt bitter and angry…I now extend mercy to myself and others - and have peace.
The greatest gift in all of this is that I’m able to look into someone else’s eyes and listen… and hear their Soul speak, seeing their pain and unspoken fears. Just as I had to do it for myself, and...
I do it every day in every conversation I have.
For years I’ve said that, "Love is the Answer…regardless of the question."
So, when that old me shows up every now and again… I no longer look at her with contempt.
I have deep respect for the journey she’s taken…the fears, losses, hardships...
… and who she’s become.
… and for how she understood that challenges are temporary.
~ For her courage to look in the dark corners.
~ For her willingness to let the light in – and shine back out.
~ For the strength to change.
Without her, I wouldn’t be who I am today.
So today celebrate how far you've come...and choose to shine your light brightly.
ACTION: The Upside Challenge for the week is to choose to see each of your scars as reminders of your strength.
Look at each one.
Practice forgiveness, gratitude, and love for each one.
Celebrate your journey.