Receiving is better than giving.
This is something that took decades for me to learn, and I feel it’s deeply misunderstood.
Most people struggle to receive, having grown up with the mantra,
"It’s better to give than receive."
Yet, if that’s true, where does what you have to give come from?
Didn’t you have to receive something first – in order to be able to give?!?
And if you are giving something, doesn’t someone else have to be open to receiving it?!?
It’s incredibly important to be a receiver of goodness in life.
A great example of this is... I’m a hugger.
When hugging, you have the opportunity to do both.
See, the effects of touch on the body are long-lasting.
For children and adults alike, the physiological effects of positive touch are:
~ Reduced stress and anxiety
~ Stronger immune system
~ Increased circulation
And research shows babies who receive affection have a greater chance of living happier, healthier lives.
That’s why when I choose to hug someone, it’s an action I am deeply present for. I’m transferring my energy – my soul imprint – onto the person I’m hugging.
Some people want to pull away because they haven’t yet learned how to receive and are uncomfortable with the giving that’s going on.
Have you learned how to be a good receiver?
For without receiving, there can be no giving.
That's putting leadership into action.
On a side note, 1.3 million social media messages have been about giving - while there are only 80,000 on receiving!
ACTION: The Upside Challenge this week is to consciously practice receiving from others with an open heart.
When someone extends an act of kindness, words of affirmation, a gift, or even just their presence - don't deflect or downplay it.
Fully take in what they are offering you without judgement.
Receive the love, guidance, and support that life continually provides.
Being a generous receiver is just as important as being a generous giver.
The world needs more conscious leaders who know when to step back and receive what is being offered for their highest good.