No amount of security is worth suffering through a mediocre life.
The kind of life where you're chained to a routine that numbs your soul and kills your dreams.
Yet, there are folks who live like this.
While every day is a chance to do more, see more, and be more, many folks will go their whole life without fully living each day to its fullest.
Stuck in a monotonous grind, settling for an existence that feels lifeless and unfulfilling, they wake up, go to work, eat, and go to sleep, only to do it all over again the next day.
Don't let that be you.
Choose to fill your life with things that uplift your spirit and nurture your dreams.
Oh, I get how hard that can be when you have bills to pay, projects to complete, and responsibilities that feel like the whole world is resting on your shoulder.
There are days when I wake up and wonder how it will all get done.
And yet the sun rises again in the morning - and life moves on, regardless of how many emails are in my inbox and how much laundry is left undone.
When I started to wake up every day and envision it was my last day on Earth, something shifted.
I began leading my life from a place of intention.
Do you see each day as precious? An opportunity to truly experience life?
It's the best way to honor God and your Divine mission on this earth.
The best leaders get this.
... the ones who inspire and leave an indelible mark understand the value of honoring their divine potential.
Because they get the world is a bit better when you fully live each day so they don't waste their brilliance merely going through the motions.
Start making changes today.
Not next year, not next month, not even next week.
No amount of security is worth suffering through a mediocre life.
The world needs you and your brilliance.
ACTION: The Upside Challenge for this week is to take practical actions to start living in greater alignment with your mission and purpose.
Reflect on areas of your daily life where you feel most "stuck" in a routine or where you feel a sense of complacency.
Get clear on one specific ways you can disrupt that stuck pattern this week and introduce more aliveness, putting leadership into action. For example, taking a different route, trying a new activity, expressing yourself more freely etc.
And, you owe it to yourself and those you love.