So you feel like there’s more you’re being Called to do?
Or perhaps that there are pieces of the work you’re doing ...that aren’t getting you closer to what you want?
Oh, I get that as I’ve so been there.
Being in that place cost me
~ physically,
~ emotionally,
~ financially, and
~ relationally.
And I don’t want that for you.
I want your life to move from having it feel it’s turned upside down to living in the Upside of Life.
The Upside of Life is one that will allow ease to show up every single day.
Nelson Mandela said,
"There is no passion to be found in playing small – in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.”
To access the health, happiness, success, and meaning that the Upside of Life brings, you’ve got to tap into your Divine Wisdom.
Yes, you are a divine being of light – and you have wisdom that has been given to you.
Actually, it has been entrusted to you.
Are you accessing it fully?
See, utilizing your Divine potential may not be what you think it is.
~ When was the last time you pushed yourself?
~ Stretched yourself?
~ Got deeply uncomfortable?
I don't mean taking risks in business, ...
... I mean looking at places inside of you about how you connect and relate to others.
That's the work we did at the last Upside Retreat.
Now, I'm not a counselor or a therapist.
I simply have learned throughout the two decades of doing this work that Leadership starts with self.
You've got to look at how you operate - and what information you're accessing.
Is it getting you the results you want?
When you take action on the foundational elements of your Divine mission and see what has been holding you back with a fresh perspective ...
... you unlock untapped possibilities.
And that will allow you to step out of the dark and into the light.
ACTION: The Upside Challenge of the week is to examine if you are living your calling and living the Upside of Life.
If not, what is it costing you?
What could you do?
What are you willing to do to change that?
Regardless of where you are on your journey ... the world needs you and your brilliance.