Money and success don’t change people; they merely amplify what is already there.
See, most people don't struggle with failure.
They're scared of success ... and having to be responsible for MORE ...
... coming face-to-face with who they really are.
When you ask for MORE - and get it, MORE is required of you.
That's the piece most people often forget ...
... or don't want.
See, you have a contract with God that says you'll care for what you have and be a good steward of it ... or it will be taken away.
The "More" requires more of YOU ... which means if you open the doors to wealth, money, and success, it will magnify who you are.
If deep down you don't feel good enough to have all of what you say you want you will unconsciously self-sabotage and risk losing it all.
If you really believed you had something incredible inside of you ... and that you are called to make a bigger positive difference on the planet you wouldn't hide from those you are called to serve.
You wouldn't hide from your destiny.
If you really valued yourself, ...
... all of you, ...
... no matter what you've done or failed to do ...
... nothing would stop you from having the success or money you desire.
You would not let anything, or anyone, keep you small.
Be the example of being more .. and remember money and success are just amplifiers.
That's the leadership work I'm honored to do.
If you get that you want more in your life, let’s talk.
ACTION: The Upside Challenge of the week is to examine your willingness to be more-- more YOU.
Are you hiding out, playing small, ignoring your inner call?
As you do this reflecting, if you have "growing pains" on your path to MORE, remember this truth: