As I look at how to move forward with a new year around the corner, I’m tasked with identifying what to do to take action in the here and now.
It feels hard and messy which is why I’m grateful for friends who lend a listening ear.
It seems that no matter how much I wipe the surface of my white board…
… my old writing shows through.
Leaders face this challenge all the time: How to erase what’s holding them back and determine and fully embrace what will propel them forward. How can they keep their "old stories" from seeping through and undermining their efforts.
That’s why this time of year is confronting for people.
They’re faced with the dilemma of honestly facing whether they’ve taken action on what they said they wanted at the beginning of the year.
They're looking at how much energy and effort they put into their commitments while assessing what’s still flippin’ getting in the way.
Some people run and hide and lie to themselves.
Others play the blame game.
Only the courageous take personal responsibility for their shortcomings and meet it with determination and renewed energy to do better moving forward.
To do this, you’ve got to get curious.
Looking at where you are in this moment will determine how successful you will be tomorrow. Why?
Because you can’t get to self-regulation without self-awareness, so the examination is critical.
You’re born with and have been conditioned to have a certain success set point and tolerance for risk as well as a boatload of behavioral characteristics,
some which serve you and others that get in the way of your success.
Over time, you can choose to make adjustments or lapse into old habits. Choosing empowers you because you are intentional (rather than unconscious) about the decision. You own the choice and its outcome.
It may be that an old habit serves and is correct to continue. Or, you may recognize the old habit as a comfortable default that is neither correct nor serving you. Your first step is the commitment to change it even if you don't know how.
Blind spots are places we just can’t see on our own.
When I talked to my friend Carson Porter a few weeks ago, he said perhaps after commitment, that the next step is just allowing for a small shift to the left or right.
For me that 1% tilt has made all the difference when I look through that lens with humility… as humility precedes all personal and professional growth.
You cannot improve where you’re headed unless you improve yourself.
This is a time to erase what is no longer relevant…
… to look in the mirror…to shed what was... in order to become the newest iteration of yourself.
ACTION: The Upside Challenge for the week is to commit to doing and being 1% better.
1) Identify an area of focus
2) Assess/See "where" you are
3) Commit to moving the needle
4) Set a goal: specific, measurable, attainable, and relevant to this area of improvement
5) Track your progress...
Because the world needs you and your brilliance.