In the past, when I would start to feel overwhelmed it often led to me feeling powerless and then stepping into unhealthy behaviors.
See years ago, I was a bit like a Ferrari - I could go from 0 – 62 miles per hour of RAGE in less than 2.9 seconds, burning up the road and runnin' over everyone I met with both my words and tone.
When everything started feeling too busy… not necessarily because of an overpacked schedule in a day, rather just the long list of things running through my head, even small decisions like what to eat seemed monumental.
After an unhealthy experience with burnout, I figured out I didn’t have to do it all.
I began asking for help BEFORE there was a problem.
When I did this, my business ran smoothly -- and life got easier.
That’s why I take time to pause throughout the day and assess what's not working and what is.
How do I do this?
~ I walk.
~ I notice.
~ I breathe.
Rather, I practice breathing.
Now I get that may sound strange... as breathing is a natural function to stay alive.
Breathing/breathwork keeps you present and in your whole body rather than in your head.
When you're in the moment, you're more able to resist the voice that says, “You can’t slow down" - or - "You don’t have the time to go for a walk.”
Living on the farm has increased my personal awareness... and taught me how to better "see" and assess with my whole body.
When I listen from this place...I find it easier to say “no” to requests for my time that don’t get me closer to what I want.
And when I slow down and pause, I have more time, not less, to do what I love.
The best leaders get this kind of listening. They see the bigger picture and recognize that rather than pushing and working harder, that pausing to listen and see more clearly will give them invaluable perspective.
It's often in the moments of pause that the biggest insights happen.
It's in the moments of pause that we make our best decisions.
It's in the moments of pause that we refresh ourselves and become renewed to move forward.
The power of the pause saves energy, time, and money.
Where do you need to slow down and employ the power of the pause?
ACTION: The Upside Challenge for the week is to practice the power of the pause. When you are stressing and grinding away at your to-do list. STOP. Breathe. Assess.
Take next indicated action.
Notice the quality of your experience and how it changes when you employ the power of the pause.