Truth telling.
It's what I'm most known for.
On a client call today I shared how I wished what they were going through
would get better ...
... and, it wasn't likely to shift any time soon.
See, I've walked with clients as they were ...
~ overcoming addictions to:
○~○ gambling
○~○ pornography
○~○ alcohol, and
○~○ drugs ...
I’ve walked beside them as they were
~ going through bankruptcy ...
~ dealing with divorce ...
~ traversed toxic business partnerships.
I've stood beside them as they navigated ...
~ mental health challenges
~ spousal abuse / domestic violence
~ kids that were being bullied or suicidal
~ life-threatening medical diagnoses .
I've also mapped out customized strategic plans to:
~ sell a business
~ grow a business
~ get a promotion
~ change careers ...
... and much more.
My own journey has been filled with much of this as life and leadership
have their ebbs and tides and I've walked a long and twisty road the past 54 years I've been alive on the planet.
You are often getting ready to go into a storm,
going through a storm, or
coming out of a storm.
I shared with my client that it’s not about the situation getting better, it's about YOU getting better, stronger, and ... wiser.
The best leaders get this.
I hope you do too.
And if you need help navigating the journey, please reach out. My door is always open.
Remember, The World Needs You and Your Brilliance.
ACTION: The Upside Challenge of the week is to identify one action you will take this week to ensure you are getting better.
It doesn’t have to be complicated.
Again, because the world needs you and your brilliance.