When it comes to life & business, you may get there’s a better way…and just not see the way clearly and/or understand how to make a shift.
Kinda like being in a cow pasture after it rains…unsure of how to get around all of the muck.
((Yeah, farm life has definitely changed how I see the world.))
If you want to move forward, you’ve got to first change what you're thinking about and where you've placed your attention.
And, while it may sound like Captain Obvious has arrived on the scene, to most people this ain't so obvious... and they're struggling see what’s right in front of them.
They are walking through life in a fog, unaware of who they are, what they want, and why it matters…which means they’ve got no clue where they’re headed.
And then they are surprised when they don’t get what they want!
Maybe that’s not you, however, studies show people think about something other than what is going on in the moment 47% of the time…meaning you're not really PRESENT to all that’s going on in your life.
This is how obsessing over the past or going down a rabbit hole of a distraction can take you out of the present and off course for where you want to go.
After you hone your awareness, and you are fully present and clearly focused on your goals, you’ve got to COMMIT to taking action…choosing simple daily steps to move you forward.
Again and again…
And, if you’re not CONSISTENT, you never reap the rewards of this step, either.
For example, you can’t lose 20 pounds by working out for 7 days and then stop because you don’t see a change.
Daily consistent actions pay big dividends.
This requires patience and perseverance.
To stay on track, the best leaders get the value of not trying to go it alone.
You need advisors, mentors, and coaches along the way. This team that you create can be there to offer accountability, guidance, perspective, partnership and courage to lend you when you may falter.
You also need friends who believe in you...especially when you struggle to believe in yourself.
Remember, it may seem as if the change isn’t happening, and I can guarantee you that when you
- stay consistent,
- commit to daily actions, and
- find others to go with you,
you will wake up one day and be amazed at how far you’ve gone.
ACTION: The Upside Challenge for the week is:
a) to identify your "team."
b) Return to the basics of what you want and why it matters.
c) Be present to your life.
d) Take consistent aligned actions.
e) Track your actions in a calendar or journal.
f) Share with your "team" and celebrate your steps!
~ See Upside.
~ Be Upside.
~ Lead Upside.