I used to believe people who “had it all” were lucky. Now, I understand the saying “Luck is when preparation meets opportunity.”
WHEN YOU take action on what you want – and DON’T GIVE UP,
Regardless of the muck you’re dealing with, you still choose to take the next step…and the next one…and the next one. You deal with life on life's terms and still take the steps, undaunted.
Saying “YES!” to whatever presents itself CREATES an ELEVATED VIBRATION where you see opportunities with fresh eyes.
Does it mean everything around you magically gets easier?
Not exactly.
It means that you raise your vibration and take action despite challenges.
Recently it felt like I had gone in the ring and survived two rounds in a match with Mike Tyson.
Despite a few powerful blows, I was still standing, and it reminded me of a story I heard about Edwin C. Barnes.
Barnes didn’t have money, he wasn’t very educated and he didn’t have any influential friends.
What he did have was a burning desire to be business partners with inventor, Thomas Edison.
His desire was so strong that in 1905 he decided to get on a freight train to meet Edison and ask him for work.
Not a passenger train.
A freight train. (Think animals and cargo.)
Barnes arrived in New Jersey looking like Pig-Pen from a Peanuts comic strip.
He got off the train and went directly to Edison’s office to see him.
And he was turned away by Edison’s staff.
Yet, Barnes was persistent – and he wasn’t about to give up.
Despite looking a bit grungy as he had little money for nice clothes, his persistence paid off as he talked his way into seeing Edison... who was surprised to see him in his office because of how he looked - and his lack of education.
Yet, Edison saw in Barnes something valuable -- an UNSTOPPABLE DETERMINATION.
He knew that he had taken a risk, gone ALL IN to meet with him, and it was clear that Barnes wasn’t going to give up until he did.
Because of his persistence, Edison gave him a chance in his company - sweeping the floors.
Barnes’ dream was to become a business partner with Edison, yet he said YES! believing the opportunity would lead to something greater. (I know lots of people who would have told Edison to go F himself, missing out on the gold in front of them.)
Barnes used his job as a floor sweeper to learn about Edison’s work.
In the lab and office, he listened to the challenges and struggles Edison had -
- one was an invention that was a flop.
It was called the dictaphone – and the issue was that no one wanted to buy it.
Barnes asked Edison if he could have a chance to sell it… and was so successful at selling that Edison gave him more and more opportunities - and eventually after five years of working for Edison since that first day, Barnes became his business partner.
~ No money.
~Little education.
~ Zero influence.
However, Barnes had one thing I talk about all the time…He knew WHO he was, WHAT he wanted, and WHY it mattered.
And he stayed the course, regardless of the deck he had been dealt.
--> How about you?
--> When all the cards are stacked against you, are you willing to go all in?
--> When others say it’ll never work or that’s a stupid idea, are you willing to ignore the haters and bet on yourself?
See, I believe in you.
You’re on this planet for a reason.
And even if you don’t believe that you can have anything you want, borrow my belief in you.
ACTION: The Upside Challenge for the week is to borrow my belief in you in case you are lacking courage.
Take a stand for who you are, what you want, why it matters.
Take actions aligned with that commitment to self, purpose, and mission.
Be undeterred by circumstances or doubt. One diligent step at a time. Repeat.
Believe, take a stand. Take action. Keep on...