You either build it or you don’t.
You can’t buy it or steal it; it has to be given to you. And you get it given to you by earning it.
It is essential for you to grow and essential for your business to succeed.
Research shows that organizations with high levels of trust are more PRODUCTIVE, RESILIENT, and INNOVATIVE – and handle problems that surface with ease.
And, that’s just common sense.
So, what is the most important characteristic of someone who is deemed trustworthy?
So, how do you increase your Trust IQ?
Keep your word. To yourself and others.
When you say you’re going to do something, do it.
And if for some crazy reason you don’t, acknowledge it and make it right.
Not sure how?
Ask. Ask the other person in the situation.
And, if the lapse was a promise to yourself, then ask yourself-- what do you need to clean up that broken commitment?
You also get this dialed in if you want less stress and you want to build trust and demonstrate you’re someone of integrity. Because if you're someone of integrity, then you can count on yourself, and others can count on you.
Ultimately, that's what makes you a leader worth following. After all, who would follow someone who breaks their promises and doesn't do what they say they're going to do?
The other key way to show that you are a person of integrity is to recognize where you are living aligned with the values that you say are important to you.
If you say you are committed to the health and well-being of your team, then ensure that you implement actions, policies, or behaviors that reflect health as a priority. Otherwise, you're reducing your Integrity Quotient...
If you want to be a leader worth following, live in integrity by showing it in your daily actions.
~ See Upside.
~ Be Upside.
~ Lead Upside.
ACTION: The Upside Challenge for the week is to examine your IQ...Integrity Quotient. Do a review of your values and whether you are living by those values.
Also do a review of your commitments and relationships. Where are you falling short?
Clean up any broken commitments or promises.
Adjust as needed so you are living with integrity!!