If you look behind you and no one is following… you’re not the leader.
It’s really that simple.
Leadership is Influence, not a title.
When I was promoted in the Federal government to my first supervisory assignment…I had the title and I wasn’t the leader.
It took time, intention, and effort to build trust with my team.
What did I do to build so much trust that there was a sign in the office WWLD: What Would Lisa Do?!?....
I did these 7 things.
1 ~ I Set Clear Expectations…
. . . because people need to understand where they’re going.
Tell people regularly what your vision is.
2 ~ I Showed Up…
… because people need to understand that you're both a leader and part of the team alongside them, that you're count-on-able, that you’ve got their back and are there for them every day.
I had bosses who had a different personality on Tuesday than they did on Friday.
And while I may have been perceived as strict, I was fair... and showed up the same every day of the week.
Be consistent.
3 ~ I Took Responsibility…
… because people need to understand you’re going to stand by your decisions.
No one wants a leader who blames or shames.
Everything that happens is ultimately your fault.
4 ~ I Was Accountable…
… because people need to see you’re answerable for your actions.
When you make a wrong decision (and you will make them) be humble, be accountable, and find a way to make it right.
The latter is about restitution.
You can ask for forgiveness all day long...and unless you make it right, nothing changes.
Figure out how to fix what you broke.
5 ~ I Cared Deeply…
… because people need to understand they matter for who they are, not just what they do.
In law enforcement, this is big.
Too often it’s expected that you should be tough and unwavering.
I always found that compassionate leadership got me more than command and control leadership ever did.
Actions speak louder than words.
6 ~ I Challenged Directly…
… because people need to understand you believe in their greatness.
Coach them to be the best version of themselves... and expect nothing less.
From that place, hold them accountable for their behavior and performance.
7 ~ I Let Others Lead...
... because people need to get that they have a voice in order to have pride and ownership in their work.
You don't have all of the answers...or sometimes even the best ones. Be open to the genius of others.
To be a leader worth following, you must increase your Influence because that's what creates Impact. When all is said and done, leadership is about the impact and results.
ACTION: The Upside Challenge for the week is to practice the 7 elements of leadership described above.
Create a spreadsheet and score your success each day.
Commit to improvement and do your daily work to step into being the leader you want to be -- and the leader that people need you to be.