The desire for money often comes from a need to pay for a life you’ve probably already created.
This means most folks operate all day long in survival mode.
They've got bills to pay, and they only work so they can pay those bills.
The life they’ve created has come with a cost that’s so great, they can hardly breathe.
How do I know this? Because I've been there.
When you're in survival mode, you feel like there's no way out.
I wanted to change my situation, yet it seemed everything that could help me felt like it was just going to be another bill.
So I stayed right where I was until my first coach challenged me.
I told her I couldn’t afford her coaching. She asked me if she should call me in a year.
I asked her why.
She said, "because we had this same conversation last year, and you're in the same place."
See, like most folks, I was stuck in a cycle of poverty that had nothing to do with what I had and everything to do with what was going on inside of me.
So I signed up to work with her.
That was 18 years ago, and an $18k investment.
At the time, I felt like I was in a sinkhole, yet I made my money back in 3 months.
And not how you think.
See, most folks will work all day to make money to pay for a life they don't really love.
I have listened to thousands (not hundreds) of stories over the past two decades and given folks solutions to move forward.
Often, when I offer to help in a bigger way and show them how to remove their obstacles, I’ll get folks telling me they don’t have the money.
Sure, they’ll go on vacation or buy a new car, or go shopping, just not invest in themselves.
I didn’t have the money either.
And I found a way.
Over time, I’ve learned it’s never about the money.
It’s always about your habits, what you're truly committed to, and what you're willing to do to get what you want.
In order for me to move from surviving to thriving, I had to get into the right environment.
You don’t ever see eagles hangin’ out with pigeons.
And remember, the world needs you and your brilliance.
ACTION: The Upside Challenge this week is to take a close look at your spending habits.
Is there something you consistently pay for that doesn’t add significant value to your life?
It might be that daily coffee run, a streaming service, or impulse buys that feel good in the moment yet is not truly contributing to your growth.
Now, instead of just cutting back, challenge yourself to redirect that money toward an investment in your personal development.
For example, if you spend $50 a month on fast food, consider using that money to purchase a book that expands your thinking, sign up for a webinar, or put it toward coaching that helps you break free from survival mode.
The key is to shift your mindset from paying bills for things you don’t truly need to investing in experiences, tools, or education that will fuel your growth.
What can you give up today to make room for something greater tomorrow?