If God gave you a mission, purpose, and calling, don't you think He also would have given you the time to fulfill it?!?
How often do you convince yourself that tomorrow will be more convenient to step into what you already understand you’ve been called to do?
You act as if time is on your side, and you can negotiate with the clock.
Coming in hot today.
Maybe this truth stings—because deep down, you know it’s real.
You know how easy it is to fall into the trap of 'later,' thinking you’ll have endless chances to fulfill the purpose set before you.
Here's the thing: Time doesn’t owe you anything.
You’re given this moment, right now, with the capacity to make something extraordinary happen.
Don’t waste your precious minutes. Every second you put off what you’re meant to do is a second lost—forever.
And tomorrow? It’s not guaranteed.
What if the opportunity you delay today is the very thing that would change the trajectory of your life—or someone else’s?
What if the Divine mission you’ve been entrusted with holds the answer someone in the world has been desperately waiting for?
You’re here for a reason.
The world needs your brilliance, your vision, your gift.
That calling on your life isn’t accidental—it’s purposeful, and it’s waiting for you to step up.
So don’t put off for tomorrow what’s yours to do today.
Lean in, trust the process, and remember: You were made for this moment.
ACTION: The Upside Challenge this week is to identify ONE task that you've been procrastinating on—something that you know is important and have kept delaying.
It could be a project, a conversation, a decision, or even a personal commitment. Write it down.
Then, take action on it immediately. No overthinking, no excuses. Start with the smallest possible step today and commit to moving it forward every single day this week.
At the end of the week, reflect on how taking that step impacted not only the task but also your mindset and sense of purpose.
Remember: Your time is a gift. Use it wisely