What do you wish you had more of?
~ Time?
~ Energy?
~ Money?
~ Sex?
~ Intimacy?
~ Faith?
~ Organization?
~ Trust?
~ Love?
How you answer these questions gives you information about the next right action to take in your life
…because you can’t move towards what you want if you can’t clearly identify what it is.
You can’t fix what’s not working if you’re not clear on what is working or where you’re headed.
See, most people have a CLARITY issue(s) in their life or business.
This is the necessary superpower to build a VISION... which is one of the 3 elements of being a leader worth following.
Lack of it is also one of the biggest reasons why businesses fail.
Lots of people think they’re clear.
Phrases such as:
~ Make money
~ Financial freedom
~ Generational wealth
are ambiguous.
And you can't take action and be “mostly committed".
That phrase is an oxymoron. (interestingly, the word oxymoron is from the root word "moros" meaning, "foolish")
You are either committed or not.
Real clarity comes from doing the work to EMBODY what you want – after you decide what that is.
Live your commitment in the form of action.
For me, it's all about living out my Divine mission, purpose, and calling.
To create a focused plan to achieve what you want, you have to see it, smell it, taste it, hear it, touch it, and feel it.
Most people only have a vague idea of what they want.
Very vague.
And, from this place, they will create what I like to call a “loose strategy" or "lose strategy"... because you can’t win BIG when you're vague.
When pressed about where they’re headed, they give generic answers that sound like gibberish… or perhaps tell you a rote story they’ve repeated 100 times that means nothing.
Clarity is something that oozes out from you.
When you are clear on where you’re going, your level of FOCUS is very high...
... so that the WHY, the deep motivation that drives where you're going has you morph and integrate into what you’re moving towards before it becomes a reality. This is how your vision, when it comes to fruition, includes you in it.
That’s what happened last week when I was at the range.
I was clear about the outcome – and laser-focused on my why.
It also happens in my business every morning when I open my eyes...as I'm crystal clear on my target, ready to take focused action.
If there are items on your list right now that you want more of...increase your FOCUS to get CLEARER.
Identify your WHY and map out your strategic plan on how to get there – wherever your envisioned "there" is.
ACTION: The Upside Challenge for the week is to identify some of your ambiguous language around what you want.
Get clear on what you REALLY want.
See it, hear it, smell it, taste it, touch it in your mind's eye.
Practice refining the vision daily.
Take steps accordingly.
Your time is now.
The world needs you and your brilliance, now more than ever.
Go shine your light.