Everything I worked for …
Everything I planned out …
Everything I envisioned …
… fell apart.
I stood at a crossroads and like a set of dominoes, pieces of my life came tumbling down.
It felt as if I had fallen in a pit and couldn’t see a way out.
Looking back, I can see how I took a leap of faith yet at the time, it didn’t feel like that at all.
Maybe you understand.
You stand at the crossroads and know that if you take the easy path, nothing will change.
You stand at the crossroads staring ahead, terrified that if you take the path less traveled sure enough, it will be filled with thorn bushes and rattle snakes, and while things will change – you may just get eaten alive.
Still, you are 100% clear that you’re not willing to keep going on the way you’ve been going.
That's the conversation at the September VIP day with my client Eddie when we were talking about next steps in his business.
And that’s also what happened to Elton.
We met at a conference through a friend of a friend. I don’t really remember the details.
What I do remember is that Elton, like Eddie, although for vastly different reasons, became one of my favorite clients.
Elton was a certified John Maxwell presenter and loved leadership.
He’d read more books than anyone else I’d ever met and could talk your ear off about all of it.
Heavily involved in his community, Elton was loved by people wherever he went.
When I was living in Miami, he hired me to come to his hometown to deliver a presentation on Connection: The New Currency.
And he was the consummate connector.
Forgetting to look at the weather, I arrived ill-prepared for the cold front that blew into town.
Elton made sure I got what I needed, and he told others to check in on me
throughout the day.
While he lived on the outskirts of town, he owned a brick and mortar telemarketing service business.
He had the best laugh, the big personality that made you want to quit your job or close down your business to work for him.
Yet, despite all of that goodness that I saw, when Elton and I talked during our first coaching session, I could hear how much his heart was hurting.
While he had hired me to grow his business so he could sell it, a more pressing issue was staring us both in the face.
In a destructive marriage, Elton suffered from an abusive and narcissistic wife
who lashed out at him regularly.
On one of our calls, I shared with him that he didn’t need to stay.
While we worked on building his business, I became a lifeline to what would be possible if he had the courage to leave.
Standing at a crossroads, I remember him asking me what it would take
for him to take the leap.
I said, “When the pain of being where you are becomes greater than the discomfort of the unknown.”
And the next day, I got the call.
He had packed his bags and walked out.
Now, I’m a fan of marriage, and I’m also a believer that when you have done everything possible and the situation is no better, your best option is to take a leap of faith.
I warned him that this would not be easy and he was likely to walk through the valley of death before seeing the sun rise on the other side of the horizon.
I also assured him he would rise again, and if he stayed the course, his life would be better than he could have imagined.
Elton did just that and then, like in my life, everything seemed to crumble around him.
》His best employee quit.
》His kid got sick. Very sick.
》His wife put him through hell.
Elton questioned whether he made the right decision and called me just about every day.
Fast forward, and three years later, he met a wonderful woman whom he later married.
They traveled all over the country, and created beautiful memories.
The business we restructured stood the test of time, and he ended up selling it
to one of his employees.
Yet, Elton couldn’t have known back then what was possible and today, he’s grateful for having taken the leap of faith.
I remember being in the same place, and how I slowed myself down by running back to what felt safe more times than I can count.
Looking back, I wish I had someone I could have leaned on who saw what was possible for me – someone who would have reminded me of where I was going.
The good news is like Elton, I made it to the other side, stronger for the journey.
I often wonder what would have happened if I had a strong coach by my side.
Someone who could see me and remind me who I was ... and what I was capable of doing.
Someone who understood Divine wisdom, and blended business practicality with spirituality.
If you’re on a journey or ready to take one, let’s talk.
I’d love to work directly with you ...
... to carry a lantern ...
... and walk beside you ...
... to map out the path,
... to lay out the plan,
... to set the strategy and,
... to create greater health, happiness, success and meaning in your life.
~ That's what I did.
~ That's what Elton did.
~ That's what Eddie is doing.
Every journey looks different.
Don't wait until things fall apart.
Again, if you’re on a journey or ready to take one, let’s talk.
Just message me.
Because The World Needs You and Your Brilliance.
ACTION: The Upside Challenge of the week is to examine what's not working - and what is.
Be honest.
Then, identify what action you will take now to ensure you let go of what's getting in the way of your greatest health, happiness, success, and meaning.