One of the things I’ve learned in my 25+ years of leadership development work is…you’ve got to be SPECIFIC about:
1) Who you are, 2) What you want, 3) Why it matters.
If you want to build your dream home, you wouldn’t hire a builder -- and expect her or him to magically create what you wanted without any direction.
Yet, often people are surprised when they don’t get what they want without recognizing that they've failed to give any real thought to those three questions.
Or if they do have a vague idea, they get thwarted or frustrated because it takes longer to realize than they envisioned.
God isn’t a mind reader.
He can’t give you EXACTLY what you want unless you’re CRYSTAL CLEAR about what that is...and have demonstrated you'll honor the blessing.
This is why I start all of my coaching programs with VISION.
~ It’s in my annual planner.
~ It’s discussed at the Upside Summit on day #1.
~ It’s brought up in my workshops.
And, I can't tell you how many people gloss over this...or think it can be cultivated in one sitting, not understanding its true power.
Oh, I get why.
Growing up, the only time we talked about "vision" was heading out the door for our annual check-up at the eye doctor.
This has been a lesson I've learned over time because when you don’t have a clear VISION, you have no destination, you literally can't see, and you start to make decisions based on a whim.
It may sound like this,
- "This looks like fun/a good idea to try."
- "This will make me money."
... without any real strategy or direction. Or thought of where it will lead a few steps later.
Or perhaps you're a person who just makes no decisions at all…living your life by default.
Having no intention or choice point isn’t a great way to live because you don't move forward.
You literally spin your wheels and stay in the same place, regardless of the amount of energy or effort you're expending.
When you don't do this key groundwork, you may tell yourself that you’re spontaneous…or operate well under pressure...and really that’s a bunch of garbage, too.
Everyone needs a clear vision to get to where they’re going…to live out their divine mission, purpose, and calling.
That's the starting place where all leaders worth following begin their journey.
Not sure how to do this well?
At a crossroads and not sure where to go next?
DM me – and let’s talk.
ACTION: The Upside Challenge for the week is to take truly examine if you have a vision.
What do you want?
Why does it matter?
Write for 5 minutes a day, returning daily to these same questions.
Keep doing it every day!
Because the world needs you and your brilliance.