I used to run FROM the truth…and now I run TOWARDS it.
This weekend, I called on a friend to hold me accountable in areas where I’ve been falling short with my health and wealth commitments.
See, when someone speaks truth to you…it's because they love you.
That doesn't mean it isn't going to make you cringe or hurt a bit.
In reality, it may actually infuriate you...or have you get defensive.
What I’ve learned over the past 5+ decades on the planet is that the times I was angry when someone told me the truth… was really because I knew they were right... and it pissed me off that they could see it.
Right now, you may be frustrated with a Truth Teller in your life.
You may even be holding a grudge with someone…because they told you what you didn't want to hear...or pointed out something you've been avoiding looking at closely…even though deep down you’ve been lying to yourself about why you are where you are. Or, you've been hiding from the truth... afraid what it may "say" or "mean" about you...
I’ve been there.
And, no matter how much you “Like” me, if I called you out on your "sh*t",
you'd probably be irritated.
It wouldn’t be because of how I would speak to you, rather it would be because you were secretly hoping no one noticed how you were out of alignment in your life...and I just shined a big ‘ole spotlight on it.
So you're busted...and are really angry, upset, or disappointed in yourself, although you may direct it at me or any other truth teller.
If you aren’t ready to take responsibility…how this might play out is you'd start avoiding me... because that's easier than admitting the truth to yourself or doing something about it.
Been there, done that.
Instead of taking personal responsibility, this is when you might resort to blame. Deflecting... Denying. Or accusing.
Because then, you don't have to look at your "sh*t".
So let me get real with you…. INTEGRITY starts with you.
Don't get mad at the Truth Tellers in the world. They may be offering gifts.
I understand that when I act as a truth teller, I tell it like it is out of LOVE.
I love you - and want you to win in your life.
I want you to experience HEALTH, HAPPINESS, SUCCESS, and MEANING... more than you ever thought was possible.
Whether you realize it or not, it takes a lot of courage for me (and most other Truth Tellers out there) ...to bring up things that will make you uncomfortable, because it may be hard to hear, asking you to confront something -- whether in yourself or with others.
I grew up being taught how to sweep things under the rug ...and pretend everything was alright when it wasn’t.
However, I’m hard wired to be a Challenger…. (Thank you Enneagram 8.) and I do my best to be a challenger with love and compassion.
As much as it sometimes feels like a punch in the teeth.
Just sayin’… I promise it's from love and an ultimate respect for you and your potential.
ACTION: The Upside Challenge for the week is to identify a person who has been a "truth teller" in your life. (It could be you!)
How did learning the truth ultimately serve you?
How did you grow in response to what might have been hard to hear information?
Do you see where you might need a truth teller in your life now?